

background prefetch events, 242
backspace character, 105
bandwidth, reserving USB, 394
banks of memory, 140
base (numbering system, radix), 12
base 16, 15
base-8 numbering system, 13, 18
base-10 numbering system, 11-12
base address
of an allocated memory region, 165
of an array, 169
of a record, 183
base register values for sib encoding, 285
basic system components , 134
BCD (binary-coded decimal)
calculations, 32
data representation in a byte, 31-32
BCDIC (Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), 107
best-fit memory allocation, 323
biased (excess) exponents, 73
bidirectional ports, 332
big endian and little endian data
mixing, 145
organization, 144
data types, 21
division, 43
encoding, 226
formats, fixed-point, 34
to hexadecimal conversion, 17, 78
I/O (to disk files), 388
literal constants, 15
logical operations on, 47
longhand division in, 45
making easier to read, 14
minterms from, 199
operations, 47
operator, 192
properties, 25
subscript notation, 15
subtraction, 41
binary addition, 40
binary arithmetic, 39
Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (BCDIC), 107
binary conversion
between decimal, 14
between hexadecimal, 17
between octal, 18-19
binary multiplication, 42
binary numbering system, 13
binary representation, 10-11, 15
binary string, 49
binary-coded decimal (BCD) representation, 31
binding of attributes to objects, 317
80 —86 instruction encoding, 282
in binary string, comparing, 49
density (on a hard disk), 354
dirty, 308
floating-point number, 72
forcing, 48
guard, 77
high order (HO), 22
idioms, 48
inverting, 48
layout in a double word, 23
logical operations on, 46
low order (LO), 22
masking, 48
numbering, 22
operations, 46, 48
page table, 335
sign, 24
significance, 22
string masks, 48
testing, 49
two's complement sign, 24
zero or one, 48
zero/not zero, 49
bit fields, 55
C, 58
extracting, 62
inserting data into, 62
instruction encoding, 262
packed data, 55
bit string, 22, 47
in C, packed, 58
logical operations on binary numbers and, 47
manipulating bits in, 48
masking, 48
packing, 55
representable values, 24
U.S. Social Security numbers, 60
bit-by-bit operations, 47
bitmap, 377
bitwise instructions, 80 —86 assembly, 48
bitwise operations, 47
bitwise operators, Visual Basic, 48
BIU (Bus Interface Unit), 240
on a disk, 353
freeing a memory, 324
heap management, 322
large files, 384
medium- sized files, 383
small files, 382
preallocation of file, 387
block caching, 375
block started by a symbol (BSS) sections, 320
blowing revs, 356
AND operation, 192
AND operator precedence, 194
associativity, 192-93
canonical form, 198, 199
circuits and, 213
closure, 192-93
combining rectangles, 206
commutativity, 192-93
decoders, 215-16
distribution, 192-93
full adder , 215
half adder, 215
identity element, 193
inverse element, 193
literals, 198, 199
logic, 4, 191
map simplification, 204
maxterms, 203
minterms, 199-200
NAND implementation, 213
negation, 192
NOT operation, 192
NOT operator precedence, 194
number of functions for n input variables , 198
OR operation, 192
precedence, 194
rectangles in a truth map, 208-9
seven-segment decoder, 215
Boolean algebra, 192
and computers, 212
manipulation, 198
theorems, 193
Boolean complement, 192-93
Boolean expressions, 191, 194, 198
algebraic manipulation of, 198
logical AND, 194
logical NOT, 194
logical OR, 194
Boolean functions, 194
electronic circuits and, 213
map method for, 204
minterms, 200
names , 196
NAND, universal, 213
number of, 195
numbers, 197
optimization, 204
simplification, 204
truth tables, 194
unique, 195
variables, 195
Boolean operations, 46
associative, 193
distributive, 193
identity element for, 193
logical complement for, 193
Boolean operators, 192
associativity, 194
precedence, 194
Boolean postulates, 192-93
Boolean products, 198, 199, 203
Boolean sum, 203
Boolean term , 198-99
Boolean theorems, 193
Boolean truth maps, 204-12
combining rectangles in, 206
special cases in, 208
Boolean truth tables, 194
borrow , 41
bounds checking, 171
BSS section
block started by a symbol, 320
in a program, 319
uninitialized storage, 319
buffer, translation lookaside (TLB), 310
buffering, peripheral device data, 341
bulk transmissions, USB, 393
burst mode, PCI bus, 340
8-bit, 139
16-bit, 140
32-bit, 142
64-bit, 143
address, 135
AGP, 314, 341
burst mode on PCI, 340
clock frequencies, 151
connecting PCI and ISA, 339
contention for, 246
control, 134, 136
cycles, 240
data, 134, 135
data access, 16-bit, 140
EISA, 338
enumeration, USB, 395
high data transfer rates, 342
I/O address, 137
interface unit, 240
interrupt lines on, 136
ISA, 338
performance, 340
NuBus, 338
organization, 133
PCI, 314, 336, 338-40
PCI-X, 340, 341
performance of ISA, 340
peer-to-peer, 369
prefetch queues and wide, 243
read operations, 151
starvation on USB, 393
system, 134, 338
write operations, 151
bus interface, AGP, 341
busy line, 350
BX(Y86 register), 276
byte, 22
addressable memory, 137
accessing a word in, 138
array, 140
double word storage, 138, 144
BCD data representation in, 31-32
double word, 23, 144
enable lines, 137, 142
fetched , 240
gender, 145-46
high order (HO), 22
instruction set, 279
low order (LO), 22
in memory, 147
mod-reg-r/m , 281
opcode prefix, 279, 280
padding, 172, 184
sex, 145
shift left, 52
shift right, 53
in a word, 23

Write Great Code. Understanding the Machine, Vol. 1
The Art of Assembly Language
ISBN: 1593270038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Randall Hyde © 2008-2017.
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