
When you deal with the seriously complex technical subject matter of this book, you simply can't do it alone. This is our chance to thank a number of people who helped us in innumerable ways to convert our ideas from brain synapses to words on the page.

First up is Linda Bump. Though Linda has the official title of Senior Acquisitions Editor with our publisher, we have always regarded her more as a friend and mentor than "suit." We may get all the glory , but when we needed guidance, advice, a laugh , or a kick in the pants, Linda was always there. When we started talking about the idea for this book, it was Linda who championed our idea and ensured we never lost sight of you, our audience.

Next is Chris Zahn, our Development Editor. These guys are the heart and soul of the process of writing a book of this sort . Chris helped us mold our thoughts and clarified our thinking with his keen insights and sharp wit. Managing three writers and technical editors, and keeping them all moving in the same direction can only be described as " herding cats." Chris's job was simply astounding, and we can't thank him enough for his patience, sense of humor, and the smack upside the head when we got stuck.

Our Technical Editors also need to be acknowledged . Though their biographies are elsewhere, their keen insights and questions moved this book to a level we never expected. This is the second time we have been honored with Dorian Nisinson's presence on the Tech Edit team, and, as usual, her observations and insightful questions litter the book. James Cullin is new to the crew, but not to one of the authors. Tom and James have worked very closely over a number of years on various projects at Humber College's School of Media Studies. In fact, the genesis for this book was James's observation a few years back that the multimedia students and the Internet management students will soon be working together using these technologies. When the question of Technical Editors was raised, James was an absolute natural.

Others who helped us think through the book or were there when we got stuck include Stephanie Sullivan of Violet Sky Design, Steve Minton out of the U.K., Shawn Pucknell of FlashinTO fame, and Marcus Dickinson of John Cowie and Shaul Swartz of NI Solutions Group, who provided the Shared Hosting environment, deserve a huge vote of thanks. Finally, we can't overlook all of our friends at the Blueworld Dreamweaver list who, every day, ask the same questions we do about these technologies. Here's hoping you find some answers, guys.

Building Dynamic Websites with Macromedia Studio MX 2004
Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX 2004
ISBN: 0735713766
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 158 © 2008-2017.
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