Building an on Demand Computing Environment with IBM - How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow

by Jim Hoskins (version 1.0p)


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

 Hoskins, Jim.  Building an on demand computing environment with IBM: how to optimize your current IBM infrastructure for today and tomorrow/Jim Hoskins.— 1st ed.     p. cm. 

ISBN 1-931644-11-X (pbk.)

1. Computers. 2. Computer software. 3. Computer systems. 4. Business—Data processing. 5. IBM computers. I. Title.

QA76.H668 2003




Many people gave assistance in preparation of this ebook. Some provided information concerning their product area of expertise. Others reviewed the manuscript and provided helpful comments. To all of those who assisted... THANK YOU!!


The purchase of computer software or hardware is an important and costly business decision. While the author and publisher of this ebook have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information.

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About the Author

Jim Hoskins is the founder of Maximum Press, a premier publisher of books, ebooks, Web content, and special reports that help businesses apply technology profitably. Mr. Hoskins has been involved with computer technology design, implementation, and education for over 21 years. He is the author of many articles, books, and ebooks covering a wide range of technology and e-business topics. Mr. Hoskins spent over a decade with IBM designing computer systems and directly helping businesses of all sizes design and implement real-world solutions. He is the author/editor of the popular Exploring IBM series of books, which have sold over 350,000 copies in 12 languages. Mr. Hoskins has a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida and resides in Gulf Breeze, Florida, with his wife and five children. You can reach him via e-mail at <>.

Building an On Demand Computing Environment with IBM. How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow
Building an On Demand Computing Environment with IBM: How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow (MaxFacts Guidebook series)
ISBN: 193164411X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 20
Authors: Jim Hoskins © 2008-2017.
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