Displaying a Table with DB

Here's an example of using the DB module's functions to read our MySQL database. First, you add the support for the DB module using the require statement:

 require 'DB.php';         .         .         . 

Next, you connect using the DB::connect method (recall that you can use :: to indicate what class a method belongs to). Here's how you use this method in general:


If you're working locally, use localhost as the server. For example, to connect to the produce database locally with the username root with no password, you'd do this:

 require 'DB.php'; $db = DB::connect('mysql://root:@localhost/produce');         .         .         . 

Now you can use the query method of the $db object to execute a SQL query like this one, which reads the entire fruit table:

 require 'DB.php'; $db = DB::connect('mysql://root:@localhost/produce'); $query = "SELECT * FROM fruit"; $result = $db->query($query); 

You can recover a row of data using the fetchRow method, as you see in phpdb.php, Example 8-8the DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC constant makes this method return data as an associative array, so the rest of the code is just as it was with the MySQL functions we used earlier.

Example 8-8. Displaying a table with DB, phpdb.php
 <HTML>     <HEAD>         <TITLE>             Using DB to display a table         </TITLE>     </HEAD>     <BODY>         <CENTER>             <H1>Using DB to display a table</H1>             <?php                 require 'DB.php';                 $db = DB::connect('mysql://root:@localhost/produce');                 $query = "SELECT * FROM fruit";                 $result = $db->query($query);                 echo "<TABLE BORDER='1'>";                 echo "<TR>";                 echo "<TH>Name</TH><TH>Number</TH>";                 echo "</TR>";                 while ($row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))                 {                     echo "<TR>";                     echo "<TD>", $row['name'], "</TD><TD>", $row['number'],                         "</TD>";                     echo "</TR>";                 }                 echo "</TABLE>";             ?>         </CENTER>     </BODY> </HTML> 

The results appear in Figure 8-8. Not bad.

Figure 8-8. Using the DB module to display a table.

    Spring Into PHP 5
    Spring Into PHP 5
    ISBN: 0131498622
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2006
    Pages: 254

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