[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z] SCM (Service Control Manager) Windows services configuring starting 2nd stopping scope field scope setting 2nd method creation 2nd scroll bars appearance customizing 2nd list box scroll bars displaying Scroll events sealed classes 2nd security data applications 2nd permission sets requesting permissions 2nd 3rd code access permissions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st identity permissions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th requesting minimum code access permissions 2nd requesting optional code access permissions requesting via code groups 2nd requiring permission levels restricting via code groups 2nd 3rd 4th role-based security permissions 2nd pointers Web applications 2nd SecurityPermission (code access permissions) Select method DataTable objects SelectCommand property OleDbDataAdapter objects SelectedImageIndex property node trees selecting images from image lists SelectedIndex property combo boxes accessing selected items list boxes configuring item selection 2nd Web server check box lists Web server drop-down lists SelectedIndexChanged event 2nd SelectedIndices property list boxes configuring indice selection SelectedItem property combo boxes accessing selected items list box object selection list boxes configuring item selection Web server check box lists Web server drop-down lists making selections SelectedItems property list boxes accessing selected items selecting data connections images from node tree image lists tree view nodes Web server radio buttons Windows applications as startup projects SelectionMode property list boxes displaying multiple selections Web server list boxes multiple item selection 2nd self-documenting source code 2nd Serializable attribute serializing objects 2nd 3rd 4th [NonSerialized] attribute 2nd Server Explorer data connections 2nd deleting Data Link properties dialog box creating data connections selecting data providers selecting databases testing data connections server additions Windows services running Server property WebService objects servers adding to Server Explorer asynchronous network servers creating 2nd 3rd client-activated servers IIS virtual directories network servers creating 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th remoting servers creating 2nd 3rd 4th creating via SOAP 2nd single-call servers singleton servers 2nd well-known servers single-call servers singleton servers 2nd ServerVersion property OleDbConnection objects ServiceBase class Windows services creating ServiceBase objects methods OnContinue method OnPause method OnShutdown method OnStart method OnStop method properties AutoLog property CanPauseAndContinue property CanShutdown property CanStop property EventLog property ServiceName property ServiceController objects creating Windows services accessing properties/methods 2nd connecting to ServiceControllerPermission (code access permissions) ServiceInstaller objects events AfterInstall event AfterRollback event AfterUninstall event BeforeInstall event BeforeRollback event BeforeUninstall event Committed event Committing event methods Commit method Install method Rollback method Uninstall method properties DisplayName property HelpText property Installers property Parent property ServiceName property ServicesDependedOn property StartType property ServiceName property ServiceBase objects ServiceInstaller objects Windows services ServiceProcessInstaller objects events AfterInstall event AfterRollback event AfterUninstall event BeforeInstall event BeforeRollback event BeforeUninstall event Committed event Committing event methods Install method Rollback method Uninstall method properties Account property HelpText property Installers property Parent property Password property Username property ServicesDependedOn property ServiceInstaller objects Session property WebService objects SetBounds method text boxes moving windows moving SetColumnError method DataRow objects setting assembly attributes 2nd background images in Web forms check box captions field scope 2nd images in Web server image buttons Path variable radio button captions Web form title bar text Setup Wizard installer files creating 2nd shared assemblies creating 2nd 3rd storing 2nd strong names 2nd checking shortcut operators ShowDialog method dialog boxes displaying 2nd 3rd signing assemblies code signing assemblies digital certificates strong names 2nd simple data binding 2nd buttons check boxes 2nd implementing at runtime 2nd labels properties radio buttons text boxes single-call servers single-line comments singleton servers 2nd SiteIdentityPermission (identity permissions) SizeMode property picture boxes configuring images sizing picture box display areas sizing handles Sleep method 2nd Thread objects sleeping threads sn tool public/private key pairs creating 2nd SOAP SOAP remoting clients creating 2nd remoting servers creating 2nd SoapFormatter object SoapFormatter objects Socket class methods 2nd SocketPermission (code access permissions) sockets Solution Explorer references adding to user controls 2nd Solution Explorer window (Visual Studio IDE) Sort method Sorted property combo boxes sorting list boxes sorting sorting arrays 2nd combo boxes list boxes Source byte buffer creating 2nd 3rd 4th source code self-documenting 2nd source code files naming Source property EventLog objects SourceExists method EventLog objects spaghetti code specifying attribute targets membership conditions permission sets SQL command objects 2nd ISO specifications writing statements Data Adapter Configruation Wizard 2nd SQL parameters creating data adapters creating datasets displaying states SqlClientPermission (code access permissions) SqlCommand objects SqlConnection objects 2nd 3rd properties PacketSize property WorkstationId property SqlDataReader objects methods GetSqlBinary method GetSqlByte method GetSqlDateTime method GetSqlDecimal method GetSqlDouble method GetSqlGuid method GetSqlInt16 method GetSqlInt32 method GetSqlInt64 method GetSqlMoney method GetSqlSingle method GetSqlString method GetSqlValue method GetSqlValues method SqlDbDataAdapter objects Stack class methods properties stacks 2nd creating 2nd Stack class methods properties standard ports Start method Thread objects starting multiple threads 2nd 3rd timers 2nd Windows applications Windows services 2nd 3rd 4th manual startup StartListening method HttpChannel objects StartThreads method StartType property ServiceInstaller objects startup projects Windows applications, selecting as State property OleDbConnection objects StateChange event OleDbConnection objects statements break statements 2nd C# statements class statements creating classes compound statements conditional statements continue statements 2nd 3rd event statement fixed statements goto statements 2nd if statements 2nd 3rd interface statements lock statements synchronizing threads 2nd 3rd return statements switch statements 2nd 3rd 4th try-catch statements 2nd using statements static classes Directory class File class static constructors creating 2nd static delegates creating 2nd 3rd static fields creating 2nd static members CreateComInstanceFrom CreateInstance CreateInstanceFrom GetObject static methods creating 2nd delegates 2nd this keyword static properties creating 2nd 3rd StopListening method HttpChannel objects stopping timers Windows services storing banner ads data boolean types decimal types floating-point types integral types 2nd isolated storage 2nd 3rd Web applications 2nd 3rd 4th 5th objects in arrays 2nd public/private key pairs 2nd shared assemblies 2nd Visual Studio NET projects Stream class BeginRead method 2nd 3rd BeginWrite method stream handling StreamReader class methods text files reading streams asynchronous I/O 2nd 3rd asynchronous network I/O 2nd creatingasynchronous network clients 2nd creatingasynchronous network servers 2nd 3rd binary files reading/writing 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th buffered streams creating 2nd Internet streams asynchronous network clients 2nd isolated storage 2nd 3rd network I/O creating network clients 2nd creating network servers 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th text files reading/writing 2nd 3rd StreamWriter class methods 2nd text files writing string/number conversions strings + operator byte arrays, converting to connection strings escape sequences 2nd indexers 2nd 3rd methods 2nd 3rd Insert method 2nd regular expressions 2nd capture groups 2nd groups 2nd 3rd Matches method 2nd 3rd strong name attributes (assemblies) AssemblyDelaySignAttribute AssemblyKeyFileAttribute AssemblyKeyNameAttribute strong names shared assemblies checking signing 2nd StrongNameIdentityPermission (identity permissions) struct keyword structs creating struct types (value types) structs Complex structs creating 2nd 3rd creating 2nd declaring 2nd operators overloading 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th subdirectories displaying 2nd submenus creating subscribing events 2nd 3rd 4th Suspend method 2nd 3rd Thread objects suspending threads 2nd switch statements 2nd 3rd 4th synchronizing threads 2nd 3rd locks 2nd 3rd monitors 2nd 3rd System namespace System.Array class 2nd Reverse method sort method System.Object class public methods 2nd System.Random class System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.FontDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.PageSetupDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog built-in dialog box System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog built-in dialog box SystemException class 2nd |