9.6. Developing Enterprise JavaBeans Ant provides a number of optional tasks for developing EJBs. Generally, these tasks are specific to the particular vendor's EJB Server. Currently, these tasks support these servers: Borland Application Server 4.5 IBM WebSphere 4.0 iPlanet Application Server 6.0 JBoss 2.1 and above EJB servers JOnAS 2.4.x and 2.5 Open Source EJB server Weblogic 4.5.1 through to 7.0 EJB servers The Ant EJB tasks and the servers they target appear in Table 9-14. Table 9-14. The Ant EJB tasks Task | Does this | Application servers |
blgenclient | Specifies you want to create a client .jar file corresponding to an EJB .jar file | Borland Application Server 4.5 and 5.x | ddcreator | Specifies you want to compile Weblogic text-based deployment descriptors into an EJB deployment descriptor | Weblogic 4.5.1 | ejbc | Lets you run Weblogic's ejbc tool | Weblogic 4.5.1 | ejbjar | Supports creation of EJB .jar files (EJB 1.1 & 2.0) | Borland Application Server 4.5 and 5.x, iPlanet Application Server 6.0, JBoss, JOnAS 2.4.x and 2.5, Weblogic 5.1 to 7.0, and IBM WebSphere 4.0 | iplanet-ejbc | Supports compilation of EJB stubs and skeletons for iPlanet Application Server 6.0 | iPlanet Application Server 6.0 | wlrun | Lets you start a Weblogic server | Weblogic 4.5.1 to 7.0 | wlstop | Lets you stop a Weblogic server | Weblogic 4.5.1 to 7.0 |
9.6.1. JARing Files The largest and most general of the EJB tasks is the ejbjar task. This task works by scanning directories; for each deployment descriptor found, ejbjar will parse it to determine the necessary .class files which implement the bean. These files are assembled along with the deployment descriptors into a well-formed EJB .jar file. (Any support files which should be included in the created .jar file can be added with the support nested element.) For each class included in the .jar file, ejbjar will scan for any super classes or super interfaces, which will be added to the generated .jar file. The attributes of this task appear in Table 9-15. Table 9-15. The Ant ejbjar task's attribute Attribute | Description | Required | Default |
basejarname | Specifies the base name you want used for the generated .jar files. | No | | classpath | Specifies the classpath you wnt used when resolving classes that are to be added to the .jar. | No | | cmpversion | Specifies the CMP version. Possible values are 1.0 or 2.0. | No | 1.0 | dependency | Specifies which classes and interfaces are added to the .jar. | No | | descriptordir | Specifies the directory under which the task shoulc scan for EJB deployment descriptors. | No | | destdir | Specifies the directory into which you want generated JAR files to be placed. | Yes, unless you use vendor-specific deployment elements. | | flatdestdir | Specifies you want to store all generated JARs in the root of the destdir, rather than the location specified by the deployment descriptor. Set to true/false. | No | | genericjarsuffix | Specifies a string that you want appended to the deployment descriptor in order to create the filename of a generic EJB JAR file. | No | -generic.jar | naming | Specifies the naming convention you want to use to name generated EJB jars. | No | | srcdir | Specifies the base directory containing the .class files that make up the generated bean. | Yes | |
You can nest classpath elements to set the classpath in the ejbjar task, and you can use nested dtd elements to specify the local location of DTDs to be used when parsing the EJB deployment descriptor (see Table 9-2 for the dtd element's attributes). You can use nested support elements to specify additional .class files to be included in the generated .jar files. The support element is a fileset, so it can reference a fileset declared elsewhere or it can be defined with the appropriate include and exclude nested elements. The ejbjar task supports vendor-specific nested elements, which let you use the vendors' deployment tools. Vendor-specific nested elements provide support for various vendor deployment tools. (If no nested vendor-specific deployment elements are present, the task will create a generic EJB .jar file.) For each nested deployment element, the vendor-specific deployment tool is run to generate a .jar file for deployment to that vendor's EJB server. Here are the legal vendor-specific nested elements:
- borland
For Borland Application Server 4.5 and 5.x
- iPlanet
For iPlanet Application Server 6.0
- jboss
For JBoss
- jonas
For JOnAS 2.4.x and 2.5
- weblogic
For Weblogic 5.1 to 7.0
- websphere
For IBM WebSphere 4.0 These vendor-specific elements can become involved. For example, the attributes of the weblogic element, used to control the weblogic.ejbc compiler for generating Weblogic EJB .jar files, appear in Table 9-16. Table 9-16. The weblogic element's attribute Attribute | Description | Required | Default |
args | Specifies any additional arguments you want to pass to the weblogic.ejbc tool. | No | | classpath | Specifies the classpath that should be used when the task runs the weblogic.ejbc tool. | No | | compiler | Specifies a different compiler to be used for compiling the generated Java files. | No | | destdir | Specifies the directory where the generated JAR files should be stored. | Yes | | ejbcclass | Specifies the classname of the ejbc compiler. When used with Version 7, this attribute should be set to "weblogic.ejbc" to avoid a deprecation warning. | No | | genericjarsuffix | Specifies the suffix used for the generic JAR file. This JAR file is generated as an intermediate step in building the weblogic deployment JAR. | No | -generic.jar | jvmargs | Specifies any additional arguments you want passed to the JVM running the weblogic.ejbc tool. | No | | jvmdebuglevel | Specifies the debug level for messages. Set to 16 to avoid warnings about EJB Home and Remotes in the classpath. | No | | keepgenerated | Specifies if Weblogic will preserve the Java files it generates. | No | false | keepgeneric | Specifies if you want the generic file used for input to ejbc to be preserved. | No | false | newCMP | Specifies ejbjar should parse the Weblogic deployment descriptor to find the CMP descriptors. Set to true/false. | No | false | noEJBC | Specifies you don't want Weblogic's ejbc to be run on the EJB .jar file. | No | | outputdir | Specifies this directory as the output directory instead of a .jar file. | No | | rebuild | Specifies if weblogic.ejbc should always be used to build the .jar file. | No | TRue | suffix | Specifies the string that should be added to the deployment descriptor to create the WebLogic JAR filename. | No | .jar | wlclasspath | Specifies the classpath for the Weblogic classes to avoid a warning when the home and remote interfaces of a bean are on the classpath used by weblogic.ejbc. | No | |
The weblogic nested element supports nested classpath and wlclasspath nested elementsthe wlclasspath element holds the classpath used by the Weblogic Server as detailed by the wlclasspath attribute in Table 9-16, and it takes the same attributes and nested elements as classpath. The weblogic element supports nested sysproperty elements to allow Java system properties to be set. Investigating them all would take us many pages deep into the mechanics of these six EJB servers, and far from Ant. If you're interested, you can find the details for using various vendor-specific tools in the Ant EJB Tasks User Manual at ${ant-home}/docs/manual/OptionalTasks/ejb.html. |