ID attribute, 308

ID header, 438

if statements

else statements, 497–498

elseif statements, 498–499

overview, 65–68

image maps, PHP, 540–543

images, downloading with Ajax, 328–333

<img> element, 18, 333, 429

implode string function, PHP, 483

in special operator, JavaScript, 65

increment-expression part, 74

indexOf method, 70

<info> element, 303, 344

initial-expression part, 74

Initializing function, 216, 218

inner functions, 127, 138–145

innerHTML property, dynamic HTML, 437

innerText property, dynamic HTML, 437

InnerText.html application, 440

<input> element, 449

<input type="button"> element, 79

<input type="file"> element, 545

<input type="image"> element, 541

insertAdjacentHTML method, 434, 435, 437

insertAdjacentText method, 435

insertBefore method, JavaScript, 299

installation, model-view-controller, 666

instanceof special operator, JavaScript, 65

Integer class, 626

Integer object, 625

:interactive parameter, 288

Interactive Website Framework (IWF), 211, 247–249

interactivity, adding to maps, 29–30

Internet Explorer, 37, 40, 41, 90, 318, 319

interpolated variables in strings, 485–487

intval function, PHP, 579

IWF (Interactive Website Framework), 211, 247–249

IWF JavaScript libraries, 248

Ajax Bible
Ajax Bible
ISBN: 0470102632
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 169

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