
 < Day Day Up > 


Action class, 23, 37-38, 48-49, 76-88, 90, 415

attributes, 38

authorization check in, 425

exception handling and, 151

execute( ) method, 29, 77, 88

Action mapping definitions, Form Bean, 56-57

Action mappings, 37-38, 79-81, 86, 416

action parameter of form tag, 23

Action paths

modules and, 166

in validation.xml file, 99

Action steps (in Canoo WebTest), 455

action tag (Struts configuration file), 37, 357-360

attributes, 358-359

DTD definition, 357

example usage, 359-360

name attribute, 57

with nested forward tag, 88

parameter attribute, 80-81, 84

scope attribute, 57

validate attribute, 57

Action tests, 448

ActionError class, 152, 160, 429

ActionErrors class, 27, 58-59, 105

ActionForm class, 29

reset( ) method, 27, 55, 57-58

validate( ) method, 27-28, 55, 58-59

ActionForm subclasses, 27, 91-92, 96

ActionForward class, 87-89

Action-level security checks, 425

ActionMapping class, 29

ActionMapping extensions, 432

action-mappings tag (Struts configuration file), 360

attribute, 360

DTD definition, 360

example usage, 360

ActionMessages class, 184

actionPerform( ) method, 444

Actions, 71. See also Action class

ActionForward class used in, 88-89

configuring in Struts configuration file, 76

JUnit extension for testing, 442

Struts built-in, 77-87

ActionServlet class, 24, 29, 34, 38, 71-74, 90, 163

config parameter, 165

configuring in web.xml, 72-73

doGet( ) method, 447

extension mapping for, 73-74

multiple instances of, 164

Action-specific forward, 88

add tag (Tiles Tag Library), 132-133, 379-380

attributes, 132, 380

DTD definition, 379

example usage, 133, 380

add( ) method of UserAction class, 80, 84

AddAction class, 425

add.jsp (Add an Employee page), 452

Administrators (administrator role), 412-413, 415

bean property, 424

determining user status as, 422-423

admin_login.jsp page, 417

Alias, for Tag Library Descriptor, 35

Ant task, 445, 454

Ant tasks provided by Cactus, 445

ant test command, 441

Apache Ant build utility, 454-455

build process, 439

build script (build.xml), 439-441

integrating with JUnit, 440

Apache Jakarta project, 8

Apache JMeter, 459-461

Applets, advent of, 4

Application content

in multiple languages, 177

retrieving, 69

storing, 63

Application exception class, creating, 157

Application files, 14-16

Application internationalization. See Internationalization

Application models (JSP-based Web), 5-6

Application modules. See Modules (Struts application)

Application performance bottlenecks, identifying, 461

Application performance metrics, 459

Application performance testing, 436, 458-461

Application presentation, verifying, 450-452

Application scope (JSPs), 196

Application testing. See Testing; Unit testing file, 186-187 file, 183 file, 22, 38-39, 69, 82, 108-109

configuring with Struts, 64

configuring for Validator, 100-102

internationalizing, 186-187

key/value mechanism, 102

loading a message from, 64

managing and accessing, 181-185

Application-managed security, 420-434

vs. container-managed security, 411-412

cookies for, 430

Applications (Struts)

building, 13-45

overview of, 13-39

securing, 409-434

arg tags (Validator configuration file), 392-394

attributes, 393

DTD definition, 393

example usage, 393-394

arg0 tag, 108

arg0 tag key attribute, 102

ArrayList, 24, 29

ASF (Apache Software Foundation), 8

assert( ) method, 438

assertEquals( ) method, 452

Assertion methods, JUnit API, 449-450


explained, 437

Struts-specific, 449-450

testing using, 452

Asterisk (*) character, 354

Attribute values, using Tiles definitions as, 119-120, 123-124

authenticate( ) method of security service, 422, 424

Authentication, 415

explained, 410

types of, 414

Authentication dialog box, browser-provided, 416

Authorization, explained, 410

Authorization check in Action class, 425

Authorization filter, 427-429

AuthorizationFilter class, 429

auth-method nested element, 414

Automated testing, 454

Automatic logins, cookies to allow, 430

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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