.2. Customizing the Tools PanelOne of the ways of extending Flash is by creating supplemental tools. The PolyStar tool, found grouped with the Rectangle tool, is an example of a tool that has been added to Flash out of the box, as a demonstration. When you add new tools, you can use the Customize Tools Panel dialog (accessible via the Edit Customize Tools Panel menu command on Windows or the Flash Professional Customize Tools Panel menu command on Mac OS X) to place them where you want them. Even if you don't get as far as adding tool extensions to your interface, you may want the items in the Tools panel grouped differently. For example, you may want to group shape or selection tools together, or even remove tools you don't use often. The Customize Tools Panel dialog, shown in Figure A-4, lets you reorder tools in the Tools panel and add or remove tools. Figure A.4. The Customize Tools Panel dialog box |