In the span of one chapter, you learned how to create a tile-based isometric world that you can traverse with a keyboard-controlled sprite. That's pretty impressive! You should now have the essential theory and tools you need to create an isometric game or a multiuser world (or even an experimental site interface) using Flash. We've sprinkled the chapter with quite a few links and references to some truly amazing resources relating to isometrics. With these resources, you'll find an abundance of information and guidance on the topics that we didn't have time to cover hereperhaps the most important one being scrolling an isometric map.
In fact, there are many ways to implement a scrolling isometric map, ranging from redrawing the visible portion of the map every time to laying out the world in an empty movie clip and allowing the user to drag the movie clip along (this will create the appearance of scrolling the map if you apply a mask to the visible portion). You can also implement scrolling independent of the keyboard control of your character (for example, the user could be allowed to scroll using the mouse), or scroll automatically when the character approaches the edges of the visible world window (if you are old enough to remember them, the King's Quest games from Sierra used this approach, although they didn't use an isometric viewpoint).
So what are you waiting for? You now have all the knowledge, tools, and resources you needgo forth and create! And be sure to send us a link to your wonderful isometric creations.