Recipe 9.10 Sorting a Hashtable s Keys andor Values

Recipe 9.10 Sorting a Hashtable's Keys and/or Values


You want to sort the keys and/or values contained in a Hashtable in order to display the entire Hashtable to the user sorted in either ascending or descending order.


Use the Keys and Values properties of a Hashtable object to obtain an ICollection of its key and value objects. The methods shown here return an ArrayList of objects containing the keys or values of a Hashtable :

 using System; using System.Collections; // Return an ArrayList of Hashtable keys public static ArrayList GetKeys(Hashtable table) {     return (new ArrayList(table.Keys)); } // Return an ArrayList of Hashtable values public static ArrayList GetValues(Hashtable table) {     return (new ArrayList(table.Values)); } 

The following code creates a Hashtable object and displays first keys, and then values, sorted in ascending and descending order:

 public static void TestSortKeyValues( ) {     // Define a hashtable object     Hashtable hash = new Hashtable( );     hash.Add(2, "two");     hash.Add(1, "one");     hash.Add(5, "five");     hash.Add(4, "four");     hash.Add(3, "three");     // Get all the keys in the hashtable and sort them     ArrayList keys = GetKeys(hash);     keys.Sort( );     // Display sorted key list     foreach (object obj in keys)         Console.WriteLine("Key: " + obj + "    Value: " + hash[obj]);     // Reverse the sorted key list     Console.WriteLine( );     keys.Reverse( );     // Display reversed key list     foreach (object obj in keys)         Console.WriteLine("Key: " + obj + "    Value: " + hash[obj]);     // Get all the values in the hashtable and sort them     Console.WriteLine( );     Console.WriteLine( );     ArrayList values = GetValues(hash);     values.Sort( );     foreach (object obj in values)         Console.WriteLine("Value: " + obj);     // Reverse the sorted value list     Console.WriteLine( );     values.Reverse( );     foreach (object obj in values)         Console.WriteLine("Value: " + obj); } 

The key/value pairs are displayed as shown:

 Key: 1    Value: one Key: 2    Value: two Key: 3    Value: three Key: 4    Value: four Key: 5    Value: five Key: 5    Value: five Key: 4    Value: four Key: 3    Value: three Key: 2    Value: two Key: 1    Value: one Value: five  Notice that the values are sorted alphabetically Value: four Value: one Value: three Value: two Value: two Value: three Value: one Value: four Value: five 


The Hashtable object exposes two useful properties for obtaining a collection of its keys or values. The Keys property returns an ICollection containing all the keys currently in the Hashtable . The Values property returns the same for all values currently contained in the Hashtable .

The GetKeys method uses the Keys property. Once the ICollection of keys is returned through this property, a new ArrayList is created to hold the keys. This ArrayList is then returned to the caller. The GetValues method works in a similar manner except that it uses the Values property.

The ICollection object returned either from the Keys or Values properties of a Hashtable object are direct references to the key and value collections within the Hashtable . This means that if the keys and/or values change in a Hashtable , the key and value collections will be altered accordingly .

See Also

See the "Hashtable Class" and "ArrayList Class" topics in the MSDN documentation.

C# Cookbook
C# 3.0 Cookbook
ISBN: 059651610X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 315 © 2008-2017.
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