Table of Contents
By Eben  Hewitt
Publisher : Prentice Hall PTR
Pub Date : August 12, 2004
ISBN : 0-321-24623-3
Pages : 480

Enter your Java Garage ... where you do your work, not somebody else's. It's where you experiment, escape, tinker, and ultimately succeed.

Java Garage is not your typical Java book. If you're tired of monotonous "feature walks" and dull tutorials, put down those other Java books and pick up Java Garage . Java guru Eben Hewitt takes a fresh look at this popular programming language, providing the insight and guidance to turn the regular programmer into a master. The style is straightforward, thought-provoking and occasionally irreverent.

You'll learn the best ways to program with everything that matters: J2SE 5.0 classes, inheritance, interfaces, type conversions, event handling, exceptions, file I/O, multithreading, inner classes, Swing, JARs, etc. Hewitt provides real working code and instructions for making usable applications that you can exploit and incorporate into your own personal projects with ease. Need answers quickly? The book also includes FAQs for speedy reference and a glossary on steroids that gives you the context, not just the definition.

With Java Garage , you'll learn the best way to create and finish projects with finesse. Think 'zine. Think blog. But, please , do not think of any other Java book you have ever seen.


Java Garage
Java Garage
ISBN: 0321246233
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 228
Authors: Eben Hewitt © 2008-2017.
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