Here's a real quick tip that helps when setting up the shapes of the models. By holding down the Shift key, sliders will give you real time feedback.
Say for instance, that you are adjusting the thickness of the objects. This is done with the Depth slider. Usually you drag the slider to a point then let go and the model rebuilds so you can see what the effect of the slider is. However, if you hold down the Shift key the model will rebuild while you are dragging the slider. This lets you home in on the look that you want much faster.
Shift-dragging is also a way to help get the creative juices flowing . You can try things that you might not think of doing, but because it is so easy you'll just try it anyway to see what happens. So the next time you are working on a project try dragging the Depth slider so the objects are really fat, then try dragging the other way to make them really thin. You might find that there is a setting that takes your design in a different direction.