Are you scared of cameras ? In After Effects, when you add a camera layer, the most frightening dialogue window (except maybe the Particle Playground Effect Controls) appears.
The settings in this window are great, if you want to mimic a real-world camera (and if you know how a real-world camera works). But for us Average Joes who just want to make some 3D text fly around, the best way to simplify the dialogue is to choose a camera preset.
Lower numbers , such as 15mm, will give you a wide-angle lenses (taking in more of the view, but somewhat distorted ).
Higher numbers, like 80mm, will give you a narrow angle lenses.
50mm is a good default for a "normal" camera look.
After adding a camera, you can always mess with the angle (as in "wide" or "narrow") by adjusting the Zoom property in the Timeline.