.Lag function (MDX), 748, 749

languages, foreign. See translations

.LastChild function (MDX), 737

LastNonEmpty aggregate function, 295

LastPeriods function (MDX), 748, 750

.LastSibling function (MDX), 737-738

latency for proactive caching

average latency scenario, 651-655

defined, 642, 651

long latency scenario, 647-650

no latency scenario, 655-657

SilenceInterval property, 651-654

SilenceOverrideInterval property, 651-654

Storage Options dialog option, 654-655

launching. See starting

layouts in DSVs, 105-106

.Lead function (MDX), 748, 749

leaf nodes, balance of hierarchies and, 9

Leaves function (MDX), 208, 750-751

legacy DSO applications, 415-417

level action target type, 282

level functions (MDX)

.Level, 87, 751

Levels, 751

.Levels, 751

overview, 87

level members action target type, 282

Level Naming Template dialog, 223, 224

Linked Object wizard, 256

LinkFromOtherInstanceEnabled feature, 398

LinkInsideInstanceEnabled feature, 398

LinkMember function (MDX), 751-752

LinkToOtherInstanceEnabled feature, 398

LinRegIntercept function (MDX), 752

LinRegPoint function (MDX), 752-753

LinRegR2 function (MDX), 753

LinRegSlope function (MDX), 753

LinRegVariance function (MDX), 754

local cubes, creating from Excel, 547-549

local partition. See also partitions

aggregations for, 314-316

building, 303-305

lock chains, 438-439

logical operators (MDX), 80. See also specific operators

logical return types, functions returning, 697

long latency scenario for real-time cubes, 647-650

LookupCube function (MDX), 754-755

Low Memory Limit server property, 474

Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX
Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764579185
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 176

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