10.2. SMO Instance Classes for Administering Data Storage Objects Reference This section describes the SMO classes used to administer SQL Server objects that store data. The classes are arranged into functional groups. A hierarchical diagram of these classes is shown in Figure 10-1, earlier in this chapter. 10.2.1. SQL Server Instances The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server instances are described in Table 10-5. Table 10-5. SMO classes for managing a SQL Server instanceClass | Description |
Information | Represents nonconfigurable information about the SQL Server instance. The Information property of the Server class returns an Information object for the SQL Server instance. | Server | Represents a SQL Server instance. | ServerActiveDirectory | Represents Active Directory settings for a SQL Server instance. The ActiveDirectory property of the Server class returns a ServerActiveDirectory object for the SQL Server instance. | ServerEvent | Represents a SQL Server event that can be included in a ServerEventSet object. | ServerEventArgs | Represents the arguments used to report a server event. | ServerEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server event notification. The ServerEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the Server object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the ServerEvents class specifies the events to receive as either a ServerEventSet or ServerTraceEventSet object. | ServerEventSet | Represents a set of SQL Server events as ServerEvent objects. | ServiceMasterKey | Represents the service master key for the SQL Server instance. The ServiceMasterKey property of the Server class returns a ServiceMasterKey object for the SQL server instance. | ServerProxyAccount | Represents a SQL Server proxy account permitting impersonation of job-step execution. The ProxyAccount property of the Server class returns a ServerProxyAccount object for the SQL server instance. | ServerTraceEvent | Represents a SQL Server trace event. The ServerTraceEvent class contains a property for each trace event that the server can respond to. | ServerTraceEventSet | Represents a set of SQL Server trace events. | Settings | Represents configurable settings about the SQL Server instance. The Settings property of the Server class returns a Settings object for the SQL Server instance. |
10.2.2. Databases The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server databases are described in Table 10-6. Table 10-6. SMO classes for managing databasesClass | Description |
Database | Represents a SQL Server database. | DatabaseActiveDirectory | Represents Active Directory settings for a database. The ActiveDirectory property of the Database class returns a DatabaseActiveDirectory object for the database. | DatabaseCollection | Represents a collection of databases as Database objects. The Databases property of the Server class returns the databases defined on the SQL Server instance. | DatabaseEvent | Represents a SQL Server database event that can be included in a DatabaseEventSet object. | DatabaseEventArgs | Represents the arguments used to report a database event. | DatabaseEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server database-event notification. The DatabaseEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the Database object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the DatabaseEvents class specifies the events to receive as a DatabaseEventSet object. | DatabaseEventSet | Represents a set of SQL Server database events as a DatabaseEvent object | DatabaseOptions | Represents SQL Server database options. The DatabaseOptions property of the Database class returns a DatabaseOptions object for the database. | MasterKey | Represents the database master key used to symmetrically encrypt and decrypt the private key of certificates. The MasterKey property of the Database class returns a MasterKey object for the database. |
10.2.3. Tables The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server tables are described in Table 10-7. Table 10-7. SMO classes for managing tablesClass | Description |
Table | Represents a table. | TableCollection | Represents a collection of tables as Table objects. The Tables property of the Database class returns the tables defined in the database. | TableEvent | Represents a SQL Server table event that can be included in a TableEventSet object. | TableEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server table-event notification. The TableEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the Table object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the TableEvents class specifies the events to receive as a TableEventSet object. | TableEventSet | Represents a set of SQL Server table events as TableEvent objects. |
10.2.4. Columns The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server columns are described in Table 10-8. Table 10-8. SMO classes for managing columnsClass | Description |
Column | Represents a column. | ColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns as Column objects. The Columns property of the Table class returns the collection of columns in the table. The Columns property of the View class returns the collection of columns in the view. | DefaultConstraint | Represents a default constraint on a column. A default constraint specifies the value to use for a column if a value is not specified when a row is inserted. The DefaultConstraint object is accessed through the DefaultConstraint property of the Column class. |
10.2.5. Views The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server views are described in Table 10-9. Table 10-9. SMO classes for managing viewsClass | Description |
View | Represents a view. | ViewCollection | Represents a collection of views defined on a table as View objects. The Views property of the Database class returns the views defined in the database. | ViewEvent | Represents a SQL Server view event that can be included in a ViewEventSet object. | ViewEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server view-event notification. The ViewEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the View object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the ViewEvents class specifies the events to receive as a ViewEventSet object. | ViewEventSet | Represents a set of SQL Server view events as ViewEvent objects. |
10.2.6. Indexes The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server indexes are described in Table 10-10. Table 10-10. SMO classes for managing indexesClass | Description |
Index | Represents an index. | IndexCollection | Represents a collection of indexes as Index objects. The Indexes property of the Table class returns the collection of indexes defined on a table. The Indexes property of the View class returns the collection of indexes defined on a view. The Indexes property of the UserDefinedFunction class returns the collection of indexes defined on a user-defined function. | IndexedColumn | Represents a column in an index. | IndexedColumnCollection | Represents a collection of index columns as IndexColumn objects. The IndexColumns property of the Index class returns the collection of columns in the index. | IndexEvents | Represents the setting required for SQL Server index-event notification. The IndexEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the Index object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the IndexEvents class specifies the events to receive as an ObjectEventSet object. |
10.2.7. Foreign Keys A foreign-key constraint is a column or combination of columns used to enforce a link between two tables. The column or columns that make up the primary key in one table are referenced by a column or columns in a second table. The column or columns in the second table constitute a foreign key. The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server foreign-key constraints are described in Table 10-11. Table 10-11. SMO classes for managing foreign keysClass | Description |
ForeignKey | Represents a foreign key. | ForeignKeyCollection | Represents a collection of foreign keys as ForeignKey objects. The ForeignKeys property of the Table class returns the collection of foreign keys defined on the table. | ForeignKeyColumn | Represents a column in a foreign key. | ForeignKeyColumnCollection | Represents a collection of foreign-key columns as ForeignKeyColumn objects. The Columns property of the ForeignKey class returns the collection of columns in the foreign key. |
10.2.8. Check Constraints Check constraints limit the values that can be stored in a column based on a logical expression that returns either TRue or false. A column can have multiple check constraints, and a check constraint can be applied to multiple columns. The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server check constraints are described in Table 10-12. Table 10-12. SMO classes for managing check constraintsClass | Description |
Check | Represents a check constraint. | CheckCollection | Represents a collection of check constraints as Check objects. The Checks property of the Table class returns the collection of check constraints defined on a table. The Checks property of the UserDefinedFunction class returns the collection of check constraints defined on a user-defined function. |
10.2.9. Rules A rule is used to restrict the values in a column. The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server rules are described in Table 10-13. Table 10-13. SMO classes for managing rulesClass | Description |
Rule | Represents the attributes of a rule. | RuleCollection | Represents a collection of rules as Rule objects. The Rules property of the Database class returns the collection of rules defined on the database. |
| Rules are included for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Use a check constraint instead of a rule in new development. |
10.2.10. Stored Procedures The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server stored procedures are described in Table 10-14. Table 10-14. SMO classes for managing stored proceduresClass | Description |
StoredProcedure | Represents a stored procedure. | StoredProcedureCollection | Represents a collection of stored procedures as StoredProcedure objects. The StoredProcedures property of the Database class returns the collection of stored procedures in the database. | StoredProcedureEvent | Represents a stored-procedure event that can be included in a StoredProcedure EventSet object. | StoredProcedureEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server stored-procedure event notification. The StoredProcedureEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the StoredProcedure object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the StoredProcedureEvents class specifies the events to receive as a StoredProcedureEventSet object. | StoredProcedureEventSet | Represents a set of stored-procedure events as StoredProcedureEvent objects. | StoredProcedureParameter | Represents a parameter for a stored procedure. | StoredProcedureParameterCollection | Represents a collection of stored-procedure parameters as StoredProcedureParameter objects. The Parameters property of the StoredProcedure class returns the collection of parameters for the stored procedure. |
10.2.11. Numbered Stored Procedures The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server numbered stored procedures are described in Table 10-15. Table 10-15. SMO classes for managing numbered stored proceduresClass | Description |
NumberedStoredProcedure | Represents a numbered stored procedure. | NumberedStoredProcedureCollection | Represents a collection of numbered stored procedures as NumberedStoredProcedure objects. The NumberedStoredProcedures property of the StoredProcedure class returns the collection of numbered stored procedures. | NumberedStoredProcedureParameter | Represents a parameter for a numbered stored procedure. | NumberedStoredProcedureParameterCollection | Represents a collection of numbered stored-procedure parameters as NumberedStoredProcedureParameter objects. The Parameters property of the NumberedStoredProcedure class returns the collection of parameters for the numbered stored procedure. |
| Numbered stored procedures are included for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Do not use them in new development. |
10.2.12. Extended Stored Procedures The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server extended stored procedures are described in Table 10-16. Table 10-16. SMO classes for managing extended stored proceduresClass | Description |
ExtendedStoredProcedure | Represents an extended stored procedure. | ExtendedStoredProcedureCollection | Represents a collection of extended stored procedures as ExtendedStoredProcedure objects. The ExtendedStoredProcedures property of the Database class returns the collection of extended stored procedures in a database. |
| Extended stored procedures are included for backward compatibility and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Do not use them in new development. |
10.2.13. DML Triggers The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server DML triggers are described in Table 10-17. Table 10-17. SMO classes for managing DML triggersClass | Description |
trigger | Represents a DML trigger. | triggerCollection | Represents a collection of triggers as trigger objects. The triggers property of the Table class returns the collection of triggers defined on a table. The triggers property of the View class returns the collection of triggers defined on a view. | triggerEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server trigger-event notification. The TRiggerEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the TRigger object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the triggerEvents class specifies the events to receive as an ObjectEventSet object. |
10.2.14. DDL Triggers The SMO classes used to manage server- and database-scoped DDL triggers are described in Table 10-18. Table 10-18. SMO classes for managing DDL triggersClass | Description |
DatabaseDdlTrigger | Represents a DDL trigger scoped to the database. | DatabaseDdlTriggerCollection | Represents a collection of DDL triggers scoped to the database as DatabaseDdlTrigger objects. The triggers property of the Database class returns the collection of triggers scoped to a database. | DatabaseDdlTriggerEvent | Represents a database DDL trigger event that can be included in a DatabaseDdlEventSet object. | DatabaseDdlTriggerEventSet | Represents a set of database DDL trigger events as DatabaseDdlTriggerEvent objects. | ServerDdlTrigger | Represents a DDL trigger scoped to the SQL Server instance. | ServerDdlTriggerCollection | Represents a collection of DDL triggers scoped to the SQL Server instance as ServerDdlTrigger objects. The triggers property of the Server class returns the collection of triggers scoped to the SQL Server instance. | ServerDdlTriggerEvent | Represents a server DDL trigger event that can be included in a ServerDdlEventSet object. | ServerDdlTriggerEventSet | Represents a set of server DDL trigger events as ServerTriggerEvent objects. |
10.2.15. User-Defined Objects The SMO classes used to manage user-defined aggregates, user-defined functions, and user-defined types are described in Table 10-19. Table 10-19. SMO classes for managing user-defined objectsClass | Description |
UserDefinedAggregate | Represents a user-defined aggregate. | UserDefinedAggregateCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined aggregates as UserDefinedAggregate objects. The UserDefinedAggregates property of the Database class returns the collection of user-defined aggregates in a database. | UserDefinedAggregateParameter | Represents a parameter used with a user-defined aggregate. | UserDefinedAggregateParameterCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined aggregate parameters as UserDefinedAggregateParameter objects. The UserDefinedAggregateParameters property of the UserDefinedAggregate class returns the collection of parameters for the user-defined aggregate. | UserDefinedDataType | Represents a user-defined type based on a SQL Server data type. | UserDefinedDataTypeCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined types as UserDefinedDataType objects. The UserDefinedDataTypes property of the Database class returns the collection of user-defined types in a database. | UserDefinedFunction | Represents a user-defined function. | UserDefinedFunctionCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined functions as UserDefinedFunction objects. The UserDefinedFunctions property of the Database class returns the collection of user-defined functions in a database. | UserDefinedFunctionEvent | Represents a SQL Server user-defined function event that can be included in a UserDefinedFunctionEventSet object. | UserDefinedFunctionEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server user-defined function event notification. The UserDefinedFunctionEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the UserDefinedFunction object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the UserDefinedFunctionEvents class specifies the events to receive as an UserDefinedFunctionEventSet object. | UserDefinedFunctionEventSet | Represents a set of user-defined function events as UserDefinedFunctionEvent objects. | UserDefinedFunctionParameter | Represents a parameter for a user-defined function. | UserDefinedFunctionParameterCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined function parameters as UserDefinedFunctionParameter objects. The Parameters property of the UserDefinedFunction class returns the collection of parameters for the user-defined function. | UserDefinedType | Represents a user-defined type based on a .NET data type. | UserDefinedTypeCollection | Represents a collection of user-defined types as UserDefinedType objects. The UserDefinedTypes property of the Database class returns the collection of user-defined types in a database. | UserDefinedTypeEvents | Represents the settings required for SQL Server user-defined type event notification. The UserDefinedTypeEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the UserDefinedType object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the UserDefinedTypeEvents class specifies the events to receive as an ObjectEventSet object. |
10.2.16. Data Types The SMO class used to manage SQL Server data types are described in Table 10-20. Table 10-20. SMO classes for managing data typesClass | Description |
DataType | Represents a SQL Server data type. The DataType property of the following classes returns a DataType object representing its data type: Column NumberedStoredProcedureParameter StoredProcedureParameter UserDefinedAggregate UserDefinedAggregateParameter UserDefinedFunction UserDefinedFunctionParameter
10.2.17. System Data Types The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server system data types are described in Table 10-21. Table 10-21. SMO classes for managing system data typesClass | Description |
SystemDataType | Represents a system data type. | SystemDataTypeCollection | Represents a collection of system data types as SystemDataType objects. The SystemDataTypes property of the Server class returns the collection of system data types defined on a SQL Server instance. |
10.2.18. Schemas A schema is an ownership context for SQL Server objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures. The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server schemas are described in Table 10-22. Table 10-22. SMO classes for managing schemasClass | Description |
Schema | Represents a SQL Server schema. | SchemaCollection | Represents a collection of schemas as Schema objects. The Schemas property of the Database class returns the schemas defined for a database. | SchemaEvents | Represents the setting required for SQL Server schema-event notification. The SchemaEvents object is obtained using the Events property of the Schema object and cannot be created as a standalone object. The SubscribeToEvents( ) method of the SchemaEvents class specifies the events to receive as an ObjectEventSet object. |
10.2.19. SQL Server Objects The SMO classes used to manage SQL Server objects are described in Table 10-23. Table 10-23. SMO classes for managing SQL Server objectsClass | Description |
ObjectAlteredEventArgs | Represents the arguments passed by the event that is raised when an object is altered. | ObjectCreatedEventArgs | Represents the arguments passed by the event that is raised when an object is created. | ObjectDroppedEventArgs | Represents the arguments passed by the event that is raised when an object is dropped. | ObjectEvent | Represents a SQL Server object event that can be included in an ObjectEventSet object. | ObjectEventSet | Represents a set of object events as ObjectEvent objects. | ObjectPermission | Represents a SQL Server object permission. | ObjectPermissionInfo | Represents information about a SQL Server object permission. | ObjectPermissionSet | Represents a set of SQL Server object permissions as ObjectPermission objects. | ObjectProperty | Represents a set of attributes for a SQL Server object property. | ObjectRenamedEventArgs | Represents the arguments passed by the event that is raised when an object is renamed. |