TestResultCollector |
The class TestResultCollector (see Figure C-27) collects test results that it receives from a TestResult via the TestListener interface. The results consist of the Test objects run and any failures or errors produced.
A TestResultCollector is a SynchronizedObject . Its operations are mutex-protected and thread-safe.
TestResultCollector belongs to the namespace CppUnit . It is declared in TestResultCollector.h and implemented in TestResultCollector.cpp .
class TestResultCollector : public TestSucessListener
A constructor. If a SynchronizationObject is not provided, a new one is created.
A destructor.
A method that informs TestResultCollector of a TestFailure .
Returns m_failures , the TestFailure objects collected by this TestResultCollector .
Clears the collected results.
Returns the number of Test objects run.
A method that informs TestResultCollector that test is about to be run.
Returns the number of test errors collected.
Returns the number of test failures collected.
Returns the total number of test failures and errors collected.
Returns m_tests , the Test objects collected by this TestResultCollector .
A copy constructor declared private to prevent its use.
A copy operator declared private to prevent its use.
Defines the type TestFailures as a deque of TestFailure objects ( public ).
Defines the type Tests as a deque of Test objects ( public ).
The collected failures ( protected ).
The number of errors ( protected ).
The collected Test objects ( protected ).