8.3 Euler s Algorithm


Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
By Ronald  Mak

Table of Contents
Chapter  8.   Solving Differential Equations Numerically

8.3 Euler 's Algorithm

The algorithm described at the beginning of this chapter is Euler's algorithm. [2] As we've seen, the algorithm divides the region of interest into equal- sized intervals of horizontal size h, starting with the point representing the initial condition. Then off it goes, using the slope?athe value of y ' = f ( x i , y i )?aat the beginning of each interval to get to the point ( x i + 1 , y i + 1 ) at the other side of that interval. The set of all these points lies on the approximation to the solution function y ( x ). Until roundoff errors from the increased amount of computation overwhelms the solution, smaller values of h will result in better approximate solutions.

[2] This is more traditionally called Euler's method, but we'll use the word algorithm here to avoid confusion with Java methods . Leonard Euler (1707 §C1783) was a brilliant and prolific mathematician whose career spanned more than 60 years . He contributed to number theory, geometry, and calculus, as well as several areas of science.

We can compute the next point ( x i + 1 , y i + 1 ) from the previous point ( x i , y i ) and the value of the slope y i ' = f ( x i , y i ) at the previous point. Review Figure 8-1.


and, of course, x i + 1 = x i + h.

Listing 8-0c shows the class DiffEqSolver in package numbercruncher. mathutils that will be the base class of the differential equation solver classes.

Listing 8-0c The base class DiffEqSolver for the differential equation solver classes.
 package numbercruncher.mathutils; /**  * The base class for differential equation solvers.  */ public abstract class DiffEqSolver {     /** the differential equation to solve */     protected DifferentialEquation equation;     /** the initial condition data point */     protected DataPoint initialCondition;     /** current x value */      protected float x;     /** current y value */      protected float y;     /**      * Constructor.      * @param equation the differential equation to solve      */     public DiffEqSolver(DifferentialEquation equation)     {         this.equation         = equation;         this.initialCondition = equation.getInitialCondition();         reset();     }     /**      * Reset x and y to the initial condition data point.      */     public void reset()     {         this.x = initialCondition.x;         this.y = initialCondition.y;     }     /**      * Return the next data point in the      * approximation of the solution.      * @param h the width of the interval      */     public abstract DataPoint nextPoint(float h); } 

Instances of this abstract class store the differential equation and the initial condition, and they keep track of the current values of x and y . The abstract method nextPoint() will be implemented by the subclasses, where the method will compute and return the next data point based on the current values of x and y and value of the horizontal interval width h .

Listing 8-1a Class EulersDiffEqSolver , the differential equation solver that implements Euler's algorithm.
 package numbercruncher.mathutils; /**  * Differential equation solver that implements Euler's algorithm.  */ public class EulersDiffEqSolver extends DiffEqSolver {     /**      * Constructor.      * @param equation the differential equation to solve      */     public EulersDiffEqSolver(DifferentialEquation equation)     {         super(equation);     }     /**      * Return the next data point in the      * approximation of the solution.      * @param h the width of the interval      */     public DataPoint nextPoint(float h)     {         y += h*equation.at(x, y);         x += h;         return new DataPoint(x, y);     } } 

Listing 8-1a shows our first subclass of DiffEqSolver , class EulersDiffEqSolver in package numbercruncher.mathutils . As we can see, its nextPoint() method implements Euler's algorithm. The value of equation.at(x, y) is the slope at a point at one side of an interval, and the method returns the point at the other side of the interval.

The noninteractive version of Program 8 §C1 works with different subclasses of DiffEqSolver , and which subclass it instantiates depends on the command-line argument processed by main() . In Listing 8-1b, we see its output with the command-line argument "eulers," which causes the program to instantiate a EulersDiffEqSolver object.

Listing 8-1b The noninteractive version of Program 8 §C1 with the command-line argument "eulers" for Euler's algorithm.
 package numbercruncher.program8_1; import numbercruncher.mathutils.DifferentialEquation; import numbercruncher.mathutils.DataPoint; import numbercruncher.mathutils.DiffEqSolver; import numbercruncher.mathutils.EulersDiffEqSolver; import numbercruncher.mathutils.PredictorCorrectorDiffEqSolver; import numbercruncher.mathutils.RungeKuttaDiffEqSolver; import numbercruncher.mathutils.AlignRight; /**  * PROGRAM 8-1: Solve Differential Equations  *  * Demonstrate algorithms for solving differential equations.  */ public class SolveDiffEq {     private static final int MAX_INTERVALS = Integer.MAX_VALUE/2;     private static final int EULER               = 0;     private static final int PREDICTOR_CORRECTOR = 1;     private static final int RUNGE_KUTTA         = 2;     private static final String ALGORITHMS[] = {         "Euler's", "Predictor-Corrector", "Runge-Kutta"     };     /**      * Main program.      * @param args the array of runtime arguments      */     public static void main(String args[])     {         String arg = args[0].toLowerCase();         int algorithm =   arg.startsWith("eul") ? EULER                         : arg.startsWith("pre") ? PREDICTOR_CORRECTOR                         :                         RUNGE_KUTTA;         System.out.println("ALGORITHM:"+ ALGORITHMS[algorithm]);         solve(algorithm, "6x^2 - 20x + 11", 6);         solve(algorithm, "2xe^2x + y", 1);         solve(algorithm, "xe^-2x - 2y", 1);     }     private static void solve(int algorithm, String key, float x)     {         DifferentialEquation equation = DiffEqsToSolve.equation(key);         DataPoint initialCondition = equation.getInitialCondition();         String    solutionLabel    = equation.getSolutionLabel();         float    initX     = initialCondition.x;         float    initY     = initialCondition.y;         float    trueValue = equation.solutionAt(x);         System.out.println();         System.out.println("Differential equation: f(x,y) ="+ key);         System.out.println("    Initial condition: y(" +                            initX + ") ="+ initY);         System.out.println("  Analytical solution: y ="+                            solutionLabel);         System.out.println("           True value: y(" +                            x + ") ="+ trueValue);         System.out.println();         DiffEqSolver solver;         switch (algorithm) {             case EULER: {                 solver = new EulersDiffEqSolver(equation);                 break;             }             case PREDICTOR_CORRECTOR: {                 solver = new PredictorCorrectorDiffEqSolver(equation);                 break;             }             default: {                 solver = new RungeKuttaDiffEqSolver(equation);                 break;             }         }         AlignRight ar = new AlignRight();         ar.print("n", 8);             ar.print("h", 15);         ar.print("y(" + x + ")", 15); ar.print("Error", 15);         ar.underline();         int intervals = 2;         float h = Math.abs(x - initX)/intervals;         float error = Float.MAX_VALUE;         float prevError;         do {             DataPoint nextPoint = null;             for (int i = 0; i < intervals; ++i) {                 nextPoint = solver.nextPoint(h);             }             prevError = error;             error     = nextPoint.y - trueValue;             ar.print(intervals, 8);    ar.print(h, 15);             ar.print(nextPoint.y, 15); ar.print(error, 15);             ar.println();             intervals *= 2;             h /= 2;             solver.reset();         } while ((intervals < MAX_INTERVALS) &&                  (Math.abs(prevError) > Math.abs(error)));     } } 


 ALGORITHM: Euler's Differential equation: f(x,y) = 6x^2 - 20x + 11     Initial condition: y(0.0) = -5.0   Analytical solution: y = 2x^3 - 10x^2 + 11x - 5            True value: y(6.0) = 133.0        n              h         y(6.0)          Error -----------------------------------------------------        2            3.0           43.0          -90.0        4            1.5           74.5          -58.5        8           0.75        100.375        -32.625       16          0.375      115.84375      -17.15625       32         0.1875      124.21094     -8.7890625       64        0.09375      128.55273     -4.4472656      128       0.046875      130.76318     -2.2368164      256      0.0234375      131.87823     -1.1217651      512     0.01171875      132.43834    -0.56166077     1024    0.005859375        132.719    -0.28100586     2048   0.0029296875      132.85947    -0.14053345     4096   0.0014648438      132.92973    -0.07026672     8192    7.324219E-4      132.96489   -0.035110474    16384   3.6621094E-4      132.98236    -0.01763916    32768   1.8310547E-4      132.99138   -0.008621216    65536   9.1552734E-5      132.99562  -0.0043792725   131072   4.5776367E-5      132.99786  -0.0021362305   262144   2.2888184E-5      132.99792  -0.0020751953   524288   1.1444092E-5       133.0011   0.0010986328  1048576    5.722046E-6      133.00006   6.1035156E-5  2097152    2.861023E-6      133.03824    0.038238525 Differential equation: f(x,y) = 2xe^2x + y     Initial condition: y(0.0) = 1.0   Analytical solution: y = 3e^x - 2e^2x + 2xe^2x            True value: y(1.0) = 8.154845        n              h         y(1.0)          Error -----------------------------------------------------        2            0.5      3.6091409     -4.5457044        4           0.25       5.293519     -2.8613262        8          0.125      6.5289307     -1.6259146       16         0.0625       7.284655    -0.87019014       32        0.03125      7.7041717    -0.45067358       64       0.015625      7.9254375    -0.22940779      128      0.0078125       8.039102    -0.11574364      256     0.00390625        8.09671   -0.058135033      512    0.001953125      8.1257105    -0.02913475     1024    9.765625E-4       8.140253   -0.014592171     2048   4.8828125E-4       8.147548   -0.007297516     4096   2.4414062E-4       8.151206  -0.0036392212     8192   1.2207031E-4       8.153012   -0.001832962    16384   6.1035156E-5        8.15396  -8.8500977E-4    32768   3.0517578E-5       8.154387  -4.5776367E-4    65536   1.5258789E-5       8.154611  -2.3460388E-4   131072   7.6293945E-6       8.154683  -1.6212463E-4   262144   3.8146973E-6       8.154706  -1.3923645E-4   524288   1.9073486E-6       8.154436  -4.0912628E-4 Differential equation: f(x,y) = xe^-2x - 2y     Initial condition: y(0.0) = -0.5   Analytical solution: y = (x^2e^-2x - e^-2x)/2            True value: y(1.0) = 0.0        n              h         y(1.0)          Error -----------------------------------------------------        2            0.5     0.09196986     0.09196986        4           0.25    0.043056414    0.043056414        8          0.125     0.02059899     0.02059899       16         0.0625    0.010078897    0.010078897       32        0.03125     0.00498614     0.00498614       64       0.015625   0.0024799863   0.0024799863      128      0.0078125   0.0012367641   0.0012367641      256     0.00390625    6.176049E-4    6.176049E-4      512    0.001953125   3.0862397E-4   3.0862397E-4     1024    9.765625E-4   1.5423674E-4   1.5423674E-4     2048   4.8828125E-4    7.712061E-5    7.712061E-5     4096   2.4414062E-4   3.8514103E-5   3.8514103E-5     8192   1.2207031E-4   1.9193667E-5   1.9193667E-5    16384   6.1035156E-5   9.6256945E-6   9.6256945E-6    32768   3.0517578E-5   4.7721633E-6   4.7721633E-6    65536   1.5258789E-5   2.3496477E-6   2.3496477E-6   131072   7.6293945E-6   9.0182266E-7   9.0182266E-7   262144   3.8146973E-6     -3.8416E-7     -3.8416E-7   524288   1.9073486E-6   4.7914605E-6   4.7914605E-6 

Method solve() solves each initial value problem several times, each iteration with twice the number of intervals and half the horizontal interval width h . For each value of h , it repeatedly calls the nextPoint() method of the differential equation solver object. After each iteration, it tests the accuracy of the solution by evaluating the numerical solution function at a value of x some distance away from the initial x and then comparing the numerical solution with the true, analytical solution.

The method has a unique stopping criterion. The error between the numerical solution and the true solution diminishes as the value of h decreases, until roundoff errors begin to dominate. The method stops the iteration when the error stops decreasing and begins to increase.

The output of Listing 8-1b shows that Euler's algorithm converges slowly, and its accuracy can be low.

Screen 8-1a shows screen shots of the interactive version [3] of Program 8 §C1, which can also work with different subclasses of DiffEqSolver . Here, we see the first three iterations of Euler's algorithm numerically solving the differential equation

[3] Each interactive program in this book has two versions, an applet and a standalone application. You can download all the Java source code. See the downloading instructions in the preface of this book.


Screen 8-1a. The first three iterations of Program 8 §C1 using Euler's algorithm to solve the initial value problem y ' = xe -2 x - 2 y and y (0) = -0.5. The analytical solution is the smooth curve, and the numerical solution consists of the line segments. The dot represents the initial condition.




with the initial condition y (0) = -0.5.


Java Number Cruncher. The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmers Guide to Numerical Computing
ISBN: 0130460419
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 141
Authors: Ronald Mak

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