KeytermDefined Terms

Defined Terms

class template

A class definition that can be used to define a set of type-specific classes. Class templates are defined using the template keyword followed by a comma-separated list of one or more parameters enclosed in < and > brackets.

export keyword

Keyword used to indicate that the compiler must remember the location of the associated template definition. Used by compilers that support the separate-compilation model of template instantiation. The export keyword ordinarily goes with a function definition; a class is normally declared as exported in the associated class implementation file. A template may be defined with the export keyword only once in a program.

function template

A definition for a function that can be used for a variety of types. A function template is defined using the template keyword followed by a comma-separated list of template one or more parameters enclosed in < and > brackets.

generic handle class

A class that holds and manages a pointer to another class. A generic handle takes a single type parameter and allocates and manages a pointer to an object of that type. The handle class defines the necessary copy control members. It also defines the dereference (*) and arrow (->) member access operators to provide access to the underlying object. A generic handle requires no knowledge of the type it manages.

inclusion compilation model

Mechanism used by compilers to find template definitions that relies on template definitions being included in each file that uses the template. Typically, template definitions are stored in a header, and that header must be included in any file that uses the template.


Compiler process whereby the actual template argument(s) are used to generate a specific instance of the template in which the parameter(s) are replaced by the corresponding argument(s). Functions are instantiated automatically based on the arguments used in a call. Template arguments must be provided explicitly whenever a class template is used.

member template

A member of a class or class template that is a function template. A member template may not be virtual.

nontype parameter

A template parameter that represents a value. When a function template is instantiated, each nontype parameter is bound to a constant expression as indicated by the arguments used in the call. When a class template is instantiated, each nontype parameter is bound to a constant expression as indicated by the arguments used in the class instantiation.

partial specialization

A version of a class template in which some some but not all of the template parameters are specified.

separate compilation model

Mechanism used by compilers to find template definitions that allows template definitions and declarations to be stored in independent files. Template declarations are placed in a header, and the definition appears only once in the program, typically in a source file. The compiler implements whatever programming environment support is necessary to find that source file and instantiate the versions of the template used by the program.

template argument

Type or value specified when using a template type, such as when defining an object or naming a type in a cast.

template argument deduction

Process by which the compiler determines which function template to instantiate. The compiler examines the types of the arguments that were specified using a template parameter. It automatically instantiates a version of the function with those types or values bound to the template parameters.

template parameter

A name specifed in the template parameter list that may be used inside the definition of a template. Template parameters can be type or non-type parameters. To use a class template, actual arguments must be specified for each template parameter. The compiler uses those types or values to instantiate a version of the class in which uses of the parameter(s) are replaced by the actual argument(s). When a function template is used, the compiler deduces the template arguments from the arguments in the call and instantiates a specific function using the deduced template arguments.

template parameter list

List of type or nontype parameters (separated by commas) to be used in the definition or declaration of a template.

template specialization

Redefinition of a class template or a member of a class template in which the template parameters are specified. A template specialization may not appear until after the class that it specializes has been defined. A template specialization must appear before any use of the template for the specialized arguments is used.

type parameter

Name used in a template parameter list to represent a type. When the template is instantiated, each type parameter is bound to an actual type. In a function template, the types are inferred from the argument types or are explicitly specified in the call. Type arguments must be specified for a class template when the class is used.

C++ Primer
C Primer Plus (5th Edition)
ISBN: 0672326965
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 223
Authors: Stephen Prata © 2008-2017.
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