10.4 First-Order Conditional Logic

10.4 First-Order Conditional Logic

In Section 8.6 a number of different approaches to giving semantics to conditional logic, including possibility structures, ranking structures, PS structures (sequences of probability sequences), and preferential structures, were all shown to be characterized by the same axiom system, AXcondn, occasionally with C5 and C6 (as defined in Section 8.6) added, as appropriate. This suggests that all the different semantic approaches are essentially the same, at least as far as conditional logic is concerned. A more accurate statement would be that these approaches are the same as far as propositional conditional logic is concerned. Some significant differences start to emerge once the additional expressive power of first-order quantification is allowed. Again, plausibility is the key to understanding the differences.

Just as with probabilistic reasoning, for all these approaches, it is possible to consider a "degrees of belief" version, with some measure of likelihood over the possible worlds, and a "statistical" version, with some measure of likelihood on the domain. For the purposes of this section, I focus on the degrees of belief version. There are no new issues that arise for the statistical version, beyond those that already arise in the degrees of belief version. Perhaps the most significant issue that emerges in firstorder conditional logic is the importance of allowing structures with not only infinite domains but infinitely many possible worlds.

Let qual,fon, ps,fon, poss,fon, poss+,fon, rank,fon, pref+,fon, and pref,fon be the class of all relational qualitative plausibility structures, PS structures, possibility structures, possibility structures where the possibility measure satisfies Poss3+, ranking structures, ranking structures where the ranking function satisfies Rk3+, and preferential structures, respectively, for n agents. Let n,fo() be the obvious first-order analogue of the n(Φ).

I start with plausibility, where things work out quite nicely. Clearly the axioms of AXcondn and AXfo are sound in qual,fon. To get completeness, it is also necessary to include the analogue of IV. Let Niφ be an abbreviation for φ i false. It is easy to show that if M = (W, D, 1,, n, π) qual,fo, then (M, w) Niφ iff Plw, i([[ φ]]M) = ; that is, Niφ asserts that the plausibility of φ is the same as that of the empty set, so that φ is true "almost everywhere" (Exercise 10.15). Thus, Niφ is the plausibilistic analogue of i(φ) = 1. Let AXcond,fo consist of all the axioms and inference rules of AXcond (for propositional reasoning about conditional logic) and AXfo, together with the plausibilistic version of IV:

The validity of IVPl in qual,fo follows from the fact that variables are rigid, just as in the case of probability (Exercise 10.16).

Theorem 10.4.1

start example

AXcond, fon is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to qual,fon for the language n,fo.

end example

In the propositional case, adding C6 to AXcondn gives a sound and complete axiomatization of n with respect to PS structures (Theorem 8.6.5). The analogous result holds in the first-order case.

Theorem 10.4.2

start example

AXcond,fon + {C6} is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to ps,fon for the languagen,fo.

end example

Similarly, I conjecture that AXcond,fon + {C5, C6} is a sound and complete axiomatization with respect to poss,fon for the language n,fo, although this has not been proved yet.

What about the other types of structures considered in Chapter 8? It turns out that more axioms besides C5 and C6 are required. To see why, recall the lottery paradox (Example 8.1.2).

Example 10.4.3

start example

The key characteristics of the lottery paradox are that any particular individual is highly unlikely to win, but someone is almost certainly guaranteed to win. Thus, the lottery has the following two properties:

Let the formula Lottery be the conjunction of (10.2) and (10.3). (I am assuming here that there is only one agent doing the reasoning, so I drop the subscript on .)

Lottery is satisfiable in qual,fo1. Define Mlot = (Wlot, Dlot, lot, πlot) as follows:

  • Dlot is a countable domain consisting of the individuals d1, d2, d3, ;

  • wlot consists of a countable number of worlds w1, w2, w3, ;

  • lot(w) = (Wlot, Pllot), where Pllot gives the empty set plausibility 0, each nonempty finite set plausibility 1/2, and each infinite set plausibility 1;

  • πlot is such that in world wi the lottery winner is individual di (i.e., Winnerπlot(wi) is the singleton set {di}).

end example

It is straightforward to check that Pllot is qualitative (Exercise 10.17). Abusing notation slightly, let Winner(di) be the formula that is true if individual di wins. (Essentially, I am treating di as a constant in the language that denotes individual di Dlot in all worlds.) By construction, [[ Winner(di)]]Mlot = W {wi}, so

That is, the plausibility of individual di losing is greater than the plausibility of individual di winning, for each di Dlot. Thus, Mlot satisfies (10.2). On the other hand, [[xWinner(x)]]Mlot = W, so Pllot([[xWinner(x)]]Mlot)> Pllot([[ xWinner(x)]]Mlot); hence, Mlot satisfies (10.3).

It is also possible to construct a relational PS structure (in fact, using the same set wlot of worlds and the same interpretation πlot) that satisfies Lottery (Exercise 10.18). On the other hand, there is no relational ranking structure in rank+,fo1 that satisfies Lottery. To see this, suppose that M = (W, D, 풜풩풦, π) 1rank+,fo and (M, w) Lottery. Suppose that 풜풩풦(w) = (W, κ). For each d D, let wd be the subset of worlds in W where d is the winner of the lottery; that is, Wd = {w w : d Winnerπ(w)}. It must be the case that κ(W Wd) <κ(Wd) (i.e., κ(W [[ Winner(d)]]M)< κ(W [[Winner(d)]]M)), otherwise (10.2) would not be true at world w. Let w0 be a world in w such that κ(w0) = 0. (It easily follows from Rk3+ that there must be some world with this property; there may be more than one.) Clearly w0 Wd for all d D, for otherwise κ(Wd) = 0 κ(W Wd). That means no individual d wins in w0; that is, Winnerπ(w0) =. Thus, w0 [[ xWinner(x)]]M W. But that means that

so (M, w) true →∃xWinner(x). This contradicts the initial assumption that (M, w) Lottery.

There is a ranking structure in 1rank,fo that satisfies Lottery. It is essentially the same as the plausibility structure that satisfies Lottery. Consider the relational ranking structure M1 = (Wlot, Dlot, 풜풩풦, πlot) where all the components except for 풜풩풦 are the same as in the plausibility structure Mlot, and 풜풩풦(w) = (Wlot, κ), where κ(U) is 0 if U is infinite, 1 if U is a finite and nonempty, and if U = . It is easy to check that M1 satisfies lottery, for essentially the same reasons that Mlot does.

There is also a relational possibility structure in poss+,fon that satisfies Lottery. Consider the relational possibility structure M2 = (Wlot, Dlot, 풫풪풮풮, πlot), where all the components besides 풫풪풮풮 are just as in the plausibility structure Mlot, 풫풪풮풮(w) = (Wlot, Poss), Poss(wi) = i/(i + 1), and Poss is extended to sets so that Poss(U) = supwU Poss(w). (This guarantees that Poss3+ holds.) Thus, if i > j, then it is more possible that individual di wins than individual dj. Moreover, this possibility approaches 1 as i increases. It is not hard to show that M2 satisfies Lottery (Exercise 10.19).

As in Section 2.7 (see also Exercise 2.51), Poss determines a total order on W defined by taking w w if Poss(w) Poss(w). According to this order, w3 w2 w1. There is also a preferential structure in pref,fon that uses this order and satisfies Lottery (Exercise 10.20).

Although Lottery is satisfiable in pass+,fo1, pref,fo1, and rank,fo1, slight variants of it are not, as the following examples show:

Example 10.4.4

start example

Consider a crooked lottery, where there is one individual who is more likely to win than any of the others, but who is still unlikely to win. This can be expressed using the following formula Crooked:

The first conjunct of Crooked states that each individual has some plausibility of winning; in the language of plausibility, this means that if (M, w) Crooked, then Pl(Ww [[Winner(d) ]]M)> for each domain element d. Roughly speaking, the second conjunct states that there is an individual who is at least as likely to win as anyone else. More precisely, it says if (M, w) Crooked, d* is the individual guaranteed to exist by the second conjunct, and d is any other individual, then it must be the case that Pl(Ww [[Winner(d) Winner(d*)]]M)< Pl(Ww [[Winner(d*)]]M). This follows from the observation that if (M, w) (φ ψ) ψ, then either Pl(Ww [[φ ψ]]M) = (which cannot happen for the particular φ and ψ in the second conjunct because of the first conjunct of Crooked) or Pl(Ww [[φ ψ]]M) < Pl(Ww [[ψ]]M).

Take the crooked lottery to be formalized by the formula Lottery Crooked.Itis easy to model the crooked lottery using plausibility. Consider the relational plausibility structure Mlot = (Wlot, Dlot, lot, πlot), which is identical to Mlot except that lot(w) = (W, Pllot), where

  • Pllot() = 0;

  • if A is finite, then Pllot(A) = 3/4 if w1 A and Pllot(A) = 1/2 if w1 A;

  • if A is infinite, then Pllot(A) = 1.

It is easy to check that Pllot is qualitative, that Mlot satisfies Crooked, taking d1 to be the special individual whose existence is guaranteed by the second conjunct (since Pllot([[Winner(d1)]]Mlot) = 3/4 > 1/2 = Pllot([[Winner(di) Winner(d1)]]Mlot) for i > 1), and that Pllot Lottery (Exercise 10.21). Indeed, Pllot is a possibility measure, although it does not satisfy Poss3+, so Mlot poss+,fon. In fact, Lottery Crooked is not satisfiable in either poss+,fon or pref,fon (Exercise 10.22). Intuitively, the problem in the case of possibility measures is that the possibility of d1 winning has to be at least as great as that of di winning for i 1, yet it must be less than 1. However, the possibility of someone winning must be 1. This is impossible. A similar problem occurs in the case of preferential structures.

end example

Example 10.4.5

start example

Consider a rigged lottery, where for every individual x, there is an individual y who is more likely to win than x. This can be expressed using the following formula Rigged, which just switches the quantifiers in the second conjunct of Crooked:

It is easy to model the rigged lottery using plausibility. Indeed, it is easy to check that the relational possibility structure M1 satisfies Lottery Rigged. However, Rigged is not satisfiable in rank,fo1 (Exercise 10.23). Intuitively, if M rank,fo1 satisfies Rigged, consider the individual d such that [[Winner(d)]]M is minimum. (Since ranks are natural numbers, there has to be such an individual d.) But Rigged says that there has to be an individual who is more likely to win than d; this quickly leads to a contradiction.

end example

Examples 10.4.3, 10.4.4, and 10.4.5 show that AXcond,fon (even with C5 and C6) is not a complete axiomatization for the language ,fon with respect to any of poss+,fon, rank,fon, rank,fon, or pref,fon: Lottery is valid in rank+,fo1, but is not provable in AXcond, fo1 even with C5 and C6 (if it were, it would be valid in plausibility structures that satisfy C5 and C6, which Example 8.1.2 shows it is not); similarly, (Lottery Crooked) is valid in poss+,fo1 and pref,fo1 and is not provable in AXcond, fo1, and Rigged is valid in rank,fo1 but is not provable in AXcond,fo1. These examples show that first-order conditional logic can distinguish these different representations of uncertainty although propositional conditional logic cannot.

Both the domain Dlot and the set wlot of worlds in Mlot are infinite. This is not an accident. The formula Lottery is not satisfiable in any relational plausibility structure with either a finite domain or a finite set of worlds (or, more accurately, it is satisfiable in such a structure only if = ). This follows from the following more general result:

Proposition 10.4.6

start example

Suppose that M = (W, D, 1, , n π) and either W or D is finite. If x does not appear free in ψ, then the following axiom is valid in M:

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.24.

Corollary 10.4.7

start example

Suppose that M = (W, D, , π) and either W or D is finite. Then M x(true Winner(x)) true x Winner(x). Hence M Lottery (true false).

end example

Proof It is immediate from Proposition 10.4.6 that

Thus, if (M, w) Lottery, then

From the AND rule (C2) and right weakening (RC2), it follows that

Thus, M Lottery (true false).

Corollary 10.4.7 shows that if W or D is finite, then if each person is unlikely to win the lottery, then it is unlikely that anyone will win. To avoid this situation (at least in the framework of plausibility measures and thus in all the other representations that can be used to model default reasoning, which can all be viewed as instances of qualitative plausibility measures), an infinite domain and an infinite number of possible worlds are both required. The structure Mlot shows that Lottery (true false) is satisfiable in a structure with an infinite domain and an infinite set of worlds. In fact, Mlot shows that x(true Winner(x) (true x Winner(x)) is satisfiable.

Recall that in Section 8.2 it was shown that the definition of Biφ in terms of plausibility, as Pl([[φ]]) > Pl([[ φ]]) (or, equivalently, defining Biφ as true i φ) is equivalent to the definition given in terms of a binary relation i provided that the set of possible worlds is finite (cf. Exercise 8.7). The lottery paradox shows that they are not equivalent with infinitely many worlds. It is not hard to show that Bi defined in terms of a i relation satisfies the property xBiφ Bixφ (Exercise 10.25). But under the identification of Biφ with true i φ this is precisely C9, which does not hold in general.

C9 can be viewed as an instance of an infinitary AND rule since, roughly speaking, it says that if ψ φ(d) holds for all d D, then ψ dDφ(d) holds. It was shown in Section 8.1 that Pl4 sufficed to give the (finitary) AND rule and that a natural generalization of Pl4, Pl4*, sufficed for the infinitary version. Pl4* does not hold for relational qualitative plausibility structures in general (in particular, as observed in Section 8.1, it does not hold for the structure Mlot from Example 10.4.3). However, it does hold in rank,fon.

Proposition 10.4.8

start example

Pl4* holds in every structure in rank+,fon.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.26.

The following proposition shows that C9 follows from Pl4*:

Proposition 10.4.9

start example

C9 is valid in all relational plausibility structures satisfying Pl4*.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.27.

Propositions 10.4.8 and 10.4.9 explain why the lottery paradox cannot be captured in poss+,fon. Neither Pl4* nor C9 hold in general in rank+,fon or pref,fon. Indeed, the structure M2 described in Example 10.4.3 and its analogue in pref,fo1 provide counterexamples (Exercise 10.28), which is why Lottery holds in these structures. So why is (Lottery Crooked) valid in poss+,fo1 and pref,fo1? The following two properties of plausibility help to explain why. The first is an infinitary version of Pl4 slightly weaker than Pl4*; the second is an infinitary version of Pl5.

  • Pl4. For any index set I such that 0 I and |I | 2, if {Ui : i I} are pairwise disjoint sets, and Pl(U0) > Pl(Ui) for all i I {0}, then Pl(U0) Pl (iI, i0Ui).

  • Pl5*. For any index set I, if {Ui : i I} are sets such that Pl(Ui) = for i I, then Pl(iI Ui) = .

It is easy to see that Pl4 is implied by Pl4*. For suppose that Pl satisfies Pl4* and the preconditions of Pl4. Let U = iI Ui. By Pl3, Pl(U0) > Pl(Ui) implies that Pl(U Ui) > Pl(Ui). Since this is true for all i I, by Pl4*, Pl(U0) > Pl(U U0). Therefore Pl(U0) Pl(U U0), so Pl satisfies Pl4*. However, Pl4 can hold in structures that do not satisfy Pl4*. In fact, the following proposition shows that Pl4 holds in every structure in poss+,fon and pref,fon (including the ones that satisfy Lottery, and hence do not satisfy Pl4*):

Proposition 10.4.10

start example

Pl4 holds in every structure in pref,fon and poss+,fon.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.29.

Pl5* is an infinitary version of Pl5. It is easy to verify that it holds for ranking functions that satisfy Rk3+, possibility measures, and preferential structures.

Proposition 10.4.11

start example

Pl5* holds in every relational plausibility structure in rank+,fon, poss+,fon and pref,fon.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.30.

Pl5* has elegant axiomatic consequences.

Proposition 10.4.12

start example

The axiom

  • C10. xNiφ Ni(xφ)

is sound in relational qualitative plausibility structures satisfying Pl5*; the axiom

  • C11. x(φ(x) i ψ) ((xφ(x)) i ψ), if x does not appear free in ψ,

is sound in structures satisfying Pl4 and Pl5*.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.31.

Axiom C11 can be viewed as an infinitary version of the OR rule (C3), just as C9 can be viewed as an infinitary version of the AND rule (C2). Abusing notation yet again, the antecedent of C11 says that dD(φ(d) i ψ), while the conclusion says that (φdDφ(d)) i ψ.

When Pl4 and Pl5* hold, the crooked lottery is (almost) inconsistent.

Proposition 10.4.13

start example

The formula Lottery Crooked (true false) is valid in structures satisfying Pl4 and Pl5*.

end example

Proof See Exercise 10.32.

Since Pl4 and Pl5* are valid in poss+,fon, as is (true false), it immediately follows that Lottery Crooked is unsatisfiable in poss+,fon.

To summarize, this discussion vindicates the intuition that there are significant differences between the various approaches used to give semantics to conditional logic, despite the fact that, at the propositional level, they are essentially equivalent. The propositional language is simply too weak to bring out the differences. Using plausibility makes it possible to delineate the key properties that distinguish the various approaches, properties such as Pl4*, Pl4, and Pl5*, which manifest themselves in axioms such as C9, C10, and C11.

Conditional logic was introduced in Section 8.6 as a tool for reasoning about defaults. Does the preceding analysis have anything to say about default reasoning? For that matter, how should defaults even be captured in first-order conditional logic? Statements like "birds typically fly" are similar in spirit to statements like "90 percent of birds fly." Using x (Bird(x) Flies(x)) to represent this formula is just as inappropriate as using x((Flies(x) | Bird(x)) > .9) to represent "90 percent of birds fly." The latter statement is perhaps best represented statistically, using a probability on the domain, not a probability on possible worlds. Similarly, it seems that "birds typically fly" should be represented using statistical plausibility. On the other hand, conclusions about individual birds (such as "Tweety is a bird, so Tweety (by default) flies") are similar in spirit to statements like "The probability that Tweety (a particular bird) flies is greater than .9"; these are best represented using plausibility on possible worlds.

Drawing the conclusion "Tweety flies" from "birds typically fly" would then require some way of connecting statistical plausibility with plausibility on possible worlds. There are no techniques given in this chapter for doing that; that is the subject of Chapter 11.

Reasoning About Uncertainty
Reasoning about Uncertainty
ISBN: 0262582597
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 140

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