

WebInspect, 277
Web services
adoption of, 4344, 52
advantages made possible by, 29
applications and, 27, 28
benefits for enterprise-level application consumers, 329
benefits for new application developers, 328
benefits for owners , 329
bottom line, 33233
business processes and, 3840
characteristics, 1626, 53
dangers, 276
defined, 2, 9, 51
development motivations, 105
enabling technologies, 2021
enterprise-level, 46
essence of, 6
examples, 23
excitement about, 4
gateway, 282
generic operational model, 19
generic view, 5
growth scenarios, 27982
implementation, 4046
implementation cost, 32628
implementation pitfalls, 4850
Java and, 50, 22770
killer application, 33, 5253, 331
legacy modernization and, 3437
legacy reusability, 1011
Microsoft, 95143
model illustration, 274
modularity, 20
need for, 2729, 51
nested, 103
as new programming paradigm, 50
operation, 5
platform independence, 9, 10, 11, 49, 52
platform issues, 3035
platform preferences, 112
as portal complement, 2934
predeployment checklist, 299303
pricing, 46
pricing models, 3023, 315
as problem-solving applications, 19
programming language neutrality, 10
providers, 327
reliability, 4546
remote, 279
risk assessment, 27582
risk scenarios, 27677
scientific data, 279
security, 4445, 28299
self-contained characteristic, 20
sensitive public-domain information, 279
sluggish , 121
as software systems, 1
standards and specifications, 2225
standards-based mechanism, 35
SWOT analysis, 32526
technical infrastructure, 43
terms conveying meaning of, 2
testing, 48
threats, 32325
timing of, 4142
unreliable, 121
unscrupulous, 119
usage model, 273
use example, 3
value proposition, 329
W3C draft definition, 1718
weaknesses, 32325
when to implement, 4046
Windows-resident, 116
Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 1415, 8890
defined, 14, 53, 88
definition of interfaces, 15
example definition, 90
goal of, 89
key constructs, 8990
mechanics, 88
pronunciation, 1415
role, 93
with SOAP, 89
UDDI and, 15, 149, 18687
Web Services Flow Language (WSFL), 21
Web Services for Interactive Applications (WSIA), 13
Web Services for Remote Portals (WSRP), 13, 280
Web Services Industry Portal, 26
Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Organization, 26, 22122
defined, 222
goal, 222
WebSphere, 99
Application Server (WAS), 157
Host Publisher, 263, 264
MQ, 12
See also IBM
WebSphere Studio Application Developer, 219
Network Deployment (WAS ND), 150
screen shots, 260, 261
WIN2003, 13133
advantages, 142
Datacenter Edition, 132
defined, 131
digital certificate management, 132
firewall, 132
integrated PKI, 132
NAT support, 132
performance improvement, 13132
testing, 131
Trustworthy Computing initiative Ds, 132
VPN operation, 132
Windows 2000, 118, 131
reliability, 131
Terminal Services, 113
Windows NT, 118, 131
Windows platforms, 116, 117
Java on top of, 265
Java support, 270
servers, 117, 119
servers, circumventing, 12022
vulnerability, 118
Web service deployment, 141
See also Platforms
Windows XP, 126
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 1
draft definition, 1718
Web site, 26
WS-Security initiative, 285

Web Services[c] Theory and Practice
Web Services[c] Theory and Practice
ISBN: 1555582826
Year: 2006
Pages: 113 © 2008-2017.
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