Chapter 8


Start the RPM Package Management Tool.

to start the rpm package management tool, select system settings-add/remove applications from the main menu. you can also start the rpm package management tool from the command line by typing the following: $ system-config-packages


Install a package ncftp , an improved FTP client, using the RPM command line interface.

find out the ncftp packages from the fedora distribution and execute the following command at the command line: rpm ivh ncftp-3.1.7-2.i386.rpm /etc/security/selinux/file_contexts: no such file or directory preparing...########################################### [100%] 1:ncftp########################################### [100%]


Display the RPM package information (for example, ncftp ) on the command line.

to display the rpm package information on the command line, execute the following on the shell prompt: rpm -qip ncftp-3.1.7-2.i386.rpm name: ncftprelocations: /usr version : 3.1.7 vendor: red hat, inc. release : 2 build date: tue 17 feb 2004 10:21:31 gmt install date: (not installed) build host: group : applications/internet source rpm: ncftp-3.1.7-2.src.rpm size: 1077786license: distributable signature : dsa/sha1, wed 17 mar 2004 19:15:02 gmt, key id da84cbd430c9ecf8 packager: red hat, inc. - url : summary : an improved ftp client. description : ncftp is an improved ftp client. ncftp's improvements include support for command line editing, command histories, recursive gets, automatic anonymous logins, and more.


Uninstall the same package, ncftp , using the RPM command line interface without verifying package dependencies.

to uninstall the rpm, execute the following command: rpm e --nodeps ncftp


Find a package that owns the file installed on your system (for example, /bin/vi ).

to find a package that owns the file /bin/vi , execute the following command on the shell prompt: rpm qf /bin/vi


Display the package information and list the files installed by a package (for example, wget ) on your system before even installing it.

to list the packages owned by a packages like wget , execute the following command on the shell prompt: rpm qpil wget-1.9.1-5.i386.rpm name: wget relocations: (not relocatable) version : 1.9.1 vendor: red hat, inc. release : 5 build date: thu 11 mar 2004 16:24:47 gmt install date: (not installed) build host: group : applications/internet source rpm: wget-1.9.1-5.src.rpm size: 1210725license: gpl signature : dsa/sha1, wed 17 mar 2004 18:52:55 gmt, key id da84cbd430c9ecf8 packager: red hat, inc. - url : summary : a utility for retrieving files using the http or ftp protocols. description : gnu wget is a file retrieval utility which can use either the http or ftp protocols. wget features include the ability to work in the background while you are logged out, recursive retrieval of directories, file name wildcard matching, remote file timestamp storage and comparison, use of rest with ftp servers and range with http servers to retrieve files over slow or unstable connections, support for proxy servers, and configurability. /etc/wgetrc /usr/bin/wget /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1 /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/authors /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/mailing-list /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/news ........ /usr/share/locale/zh_cn/lc_messages/ /usr/share/locale/zh_tw/lc_messages/ /usr/share/man/man1/wget.1.gz


Use up2date to list the package updates available to download without using X.

execute the following command on the shell prompt: up2date nox l


Use yum help to find the option to check for package updates for your system, and then run the command to do the same.

read the yum manual by executing the following command on the shell prompt: man yum to find the package update using yum, execute the following command on the shell prompt: yum list update


Use APT to update the package indexes from the sources. In other words, use APT to check for updates from the RPM sources.

to check the package updates using apt-get , execute the following command on the shell prompt: apt-get update



To start the RPM Package Management Tool, select System Settings>Add/Remove Applications from the Main Menu.

You can also start the RPM Package Management Tool from the command line by typing the following:

   $ system-config-packages   


Find out the ncftp packages from the Fedora distribution and execute the following command at the command line:

 rpm ivh ncftp-3.1.7-2.i386.rpm   /etc/security/selinux/file_contexts: No such file or directory     Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]     1:ncftp                  ########################################### [100%]   


To display the RPM package information on the command line, execute the following on the shell prompt:

   rpm -qip ncftp-3.1.7-2.i386.rpm     Name        : ncftp                        Relocations: /usr     Version     : 3.1.7                             Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.     Release     : 2                             Build Date: Tue 17 Feb 2004     10:21:31 GMT     Install Date: (not installed)               Build Host:     Group       : Applications/Internet         Source RPM: ncftp-3.1.7-2.src.rpm     Size        : 1077786                          License: Distributable     Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Wed 17 Mar 2004 19:15:02 GMT, Key ID da84cbd430c9ecf8     Packager    : Red Hat, Inc. <>     URL         :     Summary     : An improved FTP client.     Description :     Ncftp is an improved FTP client. Ncftp's improvements include support     for command line editing, command histories, recursive gets, automatic     anonymous logins, and more.   


To uninstall the rpm, execute the following command:

 rpm e --nodeps ncftp 


To find a package that owns the file /bin/vi , execute the following command on the shell prompt:

   rpm qf /bin/vi   


To list the packages owned by a packages like wget , execute the following command on the shell prompt:

   rpm qpil wget-1.9.1-5.i386.rpm     Name        : wget                         Relocations: (not relocatable)     Version     : 1.9.1                             Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.     Release     : 5                             Build Date: Thu 11 Mar 2004     16:24:47 GMT     Install Date: (not installed)               Build Host:     Group       : Applications/Internet         Source RPM: wget-1.9.1-5.src.rpm     Size        : 1210725                          License: GPL     Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Wed 17 Mar 2004 18:52:55 GMT, Key ID da84cbd430c9ecf8     Packager    : Red Hat, Inc. <>     URL         :     Summary     : A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols.     Description :     GNU Wget is a file retrieval utility which can use either the HTTP or     FTP protocols. Wget features include the ability to work in the     background while you are logged out, recursive retrieval of     directories, file name wildcard matching, remote file timestamp     storage and comparison, use of Rest with FTP servers and Range with     HTTP servers to retrieve files over slow or unstable connections,     support for Proxy servers, and configurability.     /etc/wgetrc     /usr/bin/wget     /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1     /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/AUTHORS     /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/MAILING-LIST     /usr/share/doc/wget-1.9.1/NEWS     ........     /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/     /usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/     /usr/share/man/man1/wget.1.gz   


Execute the following command on the shell prompt:

   up2date nox l   


Read the yum manual by executing the following command on the shell prompt:

   man yum   

To find the package update using yum, execute the following command on the shell prompt:

   yum list update   


To check the package updates using apt-get , execute the following command on the shell prompt:

   apt-get update   

Beginning Fedora 2
Beginning Fedora 2
ISBN: 0764569961
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 170 © 2008-2017.
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