
Authorization determines what the authenticated identity can do and the resources that can be accessed. Improper or weak authorization leads to information disclosure and data tampering. Defense in depth is the key security principle to apply to your application's authorization strategy.

The following practices improve your Web application's authorization:

  • Use multiple gatekeepers .

  • Restrict user access to system-level resources .

  • Consider authorization granularity .

Use Multiple Gatekeepers

On the server side, you can use IP Security Protocol (IPSec) policies to provide host restrictions to restrict server-to-server communication. For example, an IPSec policy might restrict any host apart from a nominated Web server from connecting to a database server. IIS provides Web permissions and Internet Protocol/ Domain Name System (IP/DNS) restrictions. IIS Web permissions apply to all resources requested over HTTP regardless of the user. They do not provide protection if an attacker manages to log on to the server. For this, NTFS permissions allow you to specify per user access control lists. Finally, ASP.NET provides URL authorization and File authorization together with principal permission demands. By combining these gatekeepers you can develop an effective authorization strategy.

Restrict User Access to System Level Resources

System level resources include files, folders, registry keys, Active Directory objects, database objects, event logs, and so on. Use Windows Access Control Lists (ACLs) to restrict which users can access what resources and the types of operations that they can perform. Pay particular attention to anonymous Internet user accounts; lock these down with ACLs on resources that explicitly deny access to anonymous users.

For more information about locking down anonymous Internet user accounts with Windows ACLs, see Chapter 16, "Securing Your Web Server."

Consider Authorization Granularity

There are three common authorization models, each with varying degrees of granularity and scalability.

The most granular approach relies on impersonation. Resource access occurs using the security context of the caller. Windows ACLs on the secured resources (typically files or tables, or both) determine whether the caller is allowed to access the resource. If your application provides access primarily to user specific resources, this approach may be valid. It has the added advantage that operating system level auditing can be performed across the tiers of your application, because the original caller's security context flows at the operating system level and is used for resource access. However, the approach suffers from poor application scalability because effective connection pooling for database access is not possible. As a result, this approach is most frequently found in limited scale intranet-based applications. The impersonation model is shown in Figure 4.5.

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Figure 4.5:    Impersonation model providing per end user authorization granularity

The least granular but most scalable approach uses the application's process identity for resource access. This approach supports database connection pooling but it means that the permissions granted to the application's identity in the database are common, irrespective of the identity of the original caller. The primary authorization is performed in the application's logical middle tier using roles, which group together users who share the same privileges in the application. Access to classes and methods is restricted based on the role membership of the caller. To support the retrieval of per user data, a common approach is to include an identity column in the database tables and use query parameters to restrict the retrieved data. For example, you may pass the original caller's identity to the database at the application (not operating system) level through stored procedure parameters, and write queries similar to the following:

 SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM Table1 WHERE {some search criteria} AND UserName = @originalCallerUserName 

This model is referred to as the trusted subsystem or sometimes as the trusted server model. It is shown in Figure 4.6.

click to expand
Figure 4.6:    Trusted subsystem model that supports database connection pooling

The third option is to use a limited set of identities for resource access based on the role membership of the caller. This is really a hybrid of the two models described earlier. Callers are mapped to roles in the application's logical middle tier, and access to classes and methods is restricted based on role membership. Downstream resource access is performed using a restricted set of identities determined by the current caller's role membership. The advantage of this approach is that permissions can be assigned to separate logins in the database, and connection pooling is still effective with multiple pools of connections. The downside is that creating multiple thread access tokens used to establish different security contexts for downstream resource access using Windows authentication is a privileged operation that requires privileged process accounts. This is counter to the principle of least privilege. The hybrid model using multiple trusted service identities for downstream resource access is shown in Figure 4.7.

click to expand
Figure 4.7:    Hybrid model

Improving Web Application Security. Threats and Countermeasures
Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures
ISBN: 0735618429
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 613 © 2008-2017.
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