Recipe11.8.Shifting Row Values

Recipe 11.8. Shifting Row Values


You want to return each employee's name and salary along with the next highest and lowest salaries. If there are no higher or lower salaries, you want the results to wrap (first SAL shows last SAL and vice versa). You want to return the following result set:

 ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SMITH             800        950       5000 JAMES             950       1100        800 ADAMS            1100       1250        950 WARD             1250       1250       1100 MARTIN           1250       1300       1250 MILLER           1300       1500       1250 TURNER           1500       1600       1300 ALLEN            1600       2450       1500 CLARK            2450       2850       1600 BLAKE            2850       2975       2450 JONES            2975       3000       2850 SCOTT            3000       3000       2975 FORD             3000       5000       3000 KING             5000        800       3000 


For Oracle users, the window functions LEAD OVER and LAG OVER make this problem easy to solve and the resulting queries very readable. With other RDBMSs you can use scalar subqueries, though ties will present a problem. Because of the problem with ties, the RDBMSs without support for window functions enable only an approximate solution to this problem.

DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

Use a scalar subquery to find next and prior salaries relative to each salary:

  1  select e.ename, e.sal,  2       coalesce(  3         (select min(sal) from emp d where d.sal > e.sal),  4         (select min(sal) from emp)  5       ) as forward,  6       coalesce(  7         (select max(sal) from emp d where d.sal < e.sal),  8         (select max(sal) from emp)  9       ) as rewind 10    from emp e 11   order by 2 


Use the window functions LAG OVER and LEAD OVER to access prior and next rows relative to the current row:

 1  select ename,sal, 2         nvl(lead(sal)over(order by sal),min(sal)over()) forward, 3         nvl(lag(sal)over(order by sal),max(sal)over()) rewind 4    from emp 


DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL

The scalar subquery solution is not a true solution to the problem. It's an approximation that will fail in the event any two records contain the same value for SAL. It's the best you can do without having window functions available.


The window functions LAG OVER and LEAD OVER will (by default and unless otherwise specified) return values from the row before and after the current row, respectively. You define what "before" or "after" means in the ORDER BY portion of the OVER clause. If you examine the solution, the first step is to return the next and prior rows relative to the current row, ordered by SAL:

  select ename,sal,        lead(sal)over(order by sal) forward,        lag(sal)over(order by sal) rewind   from emp ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SMITH             800        950 JAMES             950       1100        800 ADAMS            1100       1250        950 WARD             1250       1250       1100 MARTIN           1250       1300       1250 MILLER           1300       1500       1250 TURNER           1500       1600       1300 ALLEN            1600       2450       1500 CLARK            2450       2850       1600 BLAKE            2850       2975       2450 JONES            2975       3000       2850 SCOTT            3000       3000       2975 FORD             3000       5000       3000 KING             5000                  3000 

Notice that REWIND is NULL for employee SMITH and FORWARD is NULL for employee KING; that is because those two employees have the lowest and highest salaries, respectively. The requirement in the problem section should NULL values exist in FORWARD or REWIND is to "wrap" the results meaning that, for the highest SAL, FORWARD should be the value of the lowest SAL in the table, and for the lowest SAL, REWIND should be the value of the highest SAL in the table. The window functions MIN OVER and MAX OVER with no partition or window specified (i.e., an empty parenthesis after the OVER clause) will return the lowest and highest salaries in the table, respectively. The results are shown below:

  select ename,sal,        nvl(lead(sal)over(order by sal),min(sal)over( )) forward,        nvl(lag(sal)over(order by sal),max(sal)over( )) rewind   from emp ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SMITH             800        950       5000 JAMES             950       1100        800 ADAMS            1100       1250        950 WARD             1250       1250       1100 MARTIN           1250       1300       1250 MILLER           1300       1500       1250 TURNER           1500       1600       1300 ALLEN            1600       2450       1500 CLARK            2450       2850       1600 BLAKE            2850       2975       2450 JONES            2975       3000       2850 SCOTT            3000       3000       2975 FORD             3000       5000       3000 KING             5000        800       3000 

Another useful feature of LAG OVER and LEAD OVER is the ability to define how far forward or back you would like to go. In the example for this recipe, you go only one row forward or back. If want to move three rows forward and five rows back, doing so is simple. Just specify the values 3 and 5 as shown below:

  select ename,sal,        lead(sal,3)over(order by sal) forward,        lag(sal,5)over(order by sal) rewind   from emp ENAME             SAL    FORWARD     REWIND ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SMITH             800      1250 JAMES             950      1250 ADAMS            1100      1300 WARD             1250      1500 MARTIN           1250      1600 MILLER           1300      2450         800 TURNER           1500      2850         950 ALLEN            1600      2975        1100 CLARK            2450      3000        1250 BLAKE            2850      3000        1250 JONES            2975      5000        1300 SCOTT            3000                  1500 FORD             3000                  1600 KING             5000                  2450 

SQL Cookbook
SQL Cookbook (Cookbooks (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596009763
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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