A2.7 Definitions

A2.7 Definitions

A2.7.1 Definition of a String Constant

A string constant is delimited by a starting " and an ending ". For example, the C function printf () uses string constants:

       printf(" Hello World "); 

The content of the string constant does not play any role in determining the metrics but a string constant itself can be an operand.

A2.7.2 Definition of a Character Constant

A character constant starts with ' and ends with '. For example, the assignment of a character variable:

      a = 'b'; 

Semicolons and operators appearing in character constants are not relevant for counting the statement or operator metrics.

A2.7.3 Definition of a for Structure

A for has the following form:

      for (expression1; expression2; expression3) expression; 

The semicolons between the brackets do not play a role in determining the statement metric count. They do not delimit a statement but serve to separate expressions.

Software Engineering Measurement
Software Engineering Measurement
ISBN: 0849315034
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139

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