A2.8 Tokens

A2.8 Tokens

A2.8.1 Operand Tokens

      Identifier      Constant      String_Literal      Function_Call 

A2.8.2 Operator Tokens

A2.8.2.1 Keywords

      auto      break      case      char      continue      const      default      do      double      else      enum      extern      float      for      goto      if      int      long      noalias      register      return      short      signed      sizeof      static      struct      switch      typedef      union      unsigned      volatile      void      while 

A2.8.2.2 Punctuation

      :as label operation      ;as statement delimiter 

A2.8.2.3 Blocks

      {  } as block delimiters 

A2.8.2.4 Unary Operators

      &as address operator      *as pointer operator      -as minus operator      +as plus operator      !as not operator      sizeof( ) (<type>)cast operators      ~as integer complement operator      ++as integer prefix increment operator      ++as short prefix increment operator      ++as long prefix increment operator      ++ as float prefix increment operator      ++ as double prefix increment operator      --as integer prefix decrement operator      -- as short prefix decrement operator      --as long prefix decrement operator      --as float prefix decrement operator      --as double prefix decrement operator      ++as integer postfix increment operator      ++as short postfix increment operator      ++as long postfix increment operator      ++as float postfix increment operator      ++as double postfix increment operator      --as integer postfix decrement operator      --as short postfix decrement operator      --as long postfix decrement operator      --as float postfix decrement operator      --as double postfix decrement operator 

A2.8.2.5 Function Calls as Operators

      intfunction call      shortfunction call      longfunction call      floatfunction call      doublefunction call      charfunction call      voidfunction call 

A2.8.2.6 Array Operators

      [      ] 

A2.8.2.7 Structure Operators

      .as structure operator      ->as structure operator 

A2.8.2.8 Primary Operators

      (      ) 

A2.8.2.9 Assignment Operators

      =integer      =short integer      =long integer      =float      =double float      = char      =string      =array      =struct      *=integer multiplication      *=short multiplication      *=long multiplication      *=float multiplication      *=double multiplication      /=integer division      /=short division      /=long division      /=float division      /=double division      %=integer modulus      %=short modulus      %=long modulus      +=integer addition      +=short addition      +=long addition      +=float addition      +=double addition      -=integer subtraction      -=short subtraction      -=long subtraction      -=float subtraction      -=double subtraction      <<=      >>=      &=      ^=      |= 

A2.8.2.10 Conditional Operators

      ?      : 

A2.8.2.11 Logical Operators

      ||      &&      |      ^      & 

A2.8.2.12 Relational Operators

      <      >      <=      >=      ==      != 

A2.8.2.13 Shift Operators

      >>      << 

A2.8.2.14 Addition Operators

      +integer addition      +short addition      +long addition      +float addition      +double addition      -integer subtraction      -short subtraction      -long subtraction      -float subtraction      -double subtraction 

A2.8.2.15 Multiplying Operators

      *integer multiplication      *short multiplication      *long multiplication      *float multiplication      *double multiplication      %integer modulus operation      %short modulus operation      %long modulus operation      /integer division      /short division      /long division      /float division      /double division 

A2.8.3 Compiler Directives

There follows a list of compiler directives that must be resolved before the measurement process can begin.

      #include      #define      #undef      #if      #ifdef      #ifndef      #else      #endif      #elif      #error      #pragma      # 

A2.8.4 C Functions

A2.8.4.1 Math

      abs      acos      asin      atan      ceil      cos      cosh      exp      fabs      floor      log      log10      pow      rand      sin      sing      sqrt      tan      tanh 

A2.8.4.2 Memory Allocation

      calloc      free      malloc 

A2.8.4.3 Input/Output

      close      creat      fclose      fgetc      fgets      fopen      fprintf      fputc      fputs      fread      fscanf      fseek      ftell      fwrite      getc      getchar      gets      lseek      open      printf      putc      putchar      puts      read      scanf      sprintf      sscanf      ungetc 

A2.8.4.4 Type and Conversion

      atof      atoi      atol      isalnum      isalpha      isascii      isatty      iscntrl      isdigit      isgraph      islower      isprint      ispunct      isspace      isupper      isxdigit      toascii      tolower      toupper 

A2.8.4.5 String

      strcat      strchr      strcmp      strcpy      strcspn      strlen      strncat      strncmp      strncpy      strpbrk      strrchr      strspn 

A2.8.4.6 Miscellaneous

      exit      signal      sleep      system      time 

Software Engineering Measurement
Software Engineering Measurement
ISBN: 0849315034
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139

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