

"Generate .NET Code With XSLT" (Dollard), 62
GenerateRequest() method, 223
getConnection() method, 223
GetData() function, 194-195
getDate() method, 223
GetGoogleData() method, 168-169
getGoogleSearchPort() method, 217, 226
getResultElements() method, 218
getString() method, 223
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), 323
Gilfillan, Ian, 189
glossary, 313-338
Google search engine, See also defining searches
Advanced Search page
defined, 9, 9-10
making sensible queries, 25-26
reason to use, 26
testing searches using, 32, 33, 46
database schema, 5, 333
defined, 3
home page, 30, 31
search algorithm changes, 87
snippet problems, 261
Google Web Services, See also webservices ; web sites; writing
combining with Amazon Web Services, 293-297, 296 , 301, 302
daily call limits workaround, 8
defined, 3-5
developer kit
creating accounts, 16-17, 16
downloading, 15-16, 16
examples in, 46
getting licenses, 16 , 17, 18
installing, 17-18
developer license requirements
developer licenses, defined, 320
display requirements, 307-308
flexibility of, 19
following formatting rules, 307
general requirements, 305-307
getting permission to use logo, 308
intellectual property rights, 308
leaving proprietary info in place, 307
not altering content, 307
not exceeding call limits, 8, 306-307
not violating laws/rights, 307
one license per developer, 306
overview, 305
private use only, 306
warnings, 8, 305
new features
Google Viewer, 309
numeric searches, 310
overview, 309
RSS feeds, 310-311, 311
output to expect from
cached data, 27
dynamic data, 26-27
limitations, 23-25, 24
making sensible queries, 25-26
nonconstancy of, 87
overview, 22
static data, 27
overview, 27-28
privacy issues, 74
security issues, 75
system setup
connectivity, 19
emulating real world, 22
multiple test devices, 21-22
for non-developers, 19-20
overview, 18
user needs, 20-21
avoiding pornography, 15
cached data searches, 13-14, 14
expansion searches, 11
getting site info before visits , 12-13, 13
locating images, 105
regression searches, 14
research searches, 10
site-specific searches, 11-12
spell checking, 14-15
warning, 17
XML resource site, 58
Graphical User Interface (GUI), 323-324
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), 323
Ground-Up Java (Heller), 203
Gunderloy, Mike, 136
Gunnerson, Eric, 136

Mining Google Web Services
Mining Google Web Services: Building Applications with the Google API
ISBN: 0782143334
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157 © 2008-2017.
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