See also User Interface (UI).

Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)
A standardized method of representing characters both printed and abstract using codes. Other forms of character representation include ASCII. Some sources also abbreviate this term as Universal Character Set (UCS) Transformation Format.
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
A generic term for all names and addresses that reference objects on the Internet. An URL is a specific type of URI.

See also Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
A text representation of a specific location on the Internet. URLs normally include the protocol (http:// for example), the target location (World Wide Web or www), the domain or server name (mycompany), and a domain type (com for commercial). It can also include a hierarchical location within that Web site. The URL usually specifies a particular file on the Web server, although there are some situations when a Web server will use a default filename. For example, asking the browser to find http://www.mycompany.com, would probably display the DEFAULT.HTM or INDEX.HTM file at that location. The actual default filename depends on the Web server used. In some cases, the default filename is configurable and could be any of a number of files. For example, Internet Information Server (IIS) offers this feature, so the developer can use anything from an HTM, to an ASP, to an XML file as the default.
Universal Product Code (UPC)
A 12-digit numbering system used to uniquely identify products of all types. The UPC is normally accompanied by a bar code that makes the number computer readable using scanning technology. A central agency manages the number list and each country has one agency that manages the pool of numbers assigned to that country. For example, the Uniform Code Council (UCC) manages the 12-digit numbers for North America. A UPC contains three groups of numbers : company prefix (6 digits), item reference number (5 digits), and check digit (1 digit). The 13-digit European Article Numbering (EAN) system is compatible with UPC to a point; all systems that read EAN can also read UPC, but the reverse isn't always true.

See also Universal Product Code (UPC).


See also Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

User Interface (UI)
The portion of an application that contains user accessible controls and data manipulation elements. The user interface for a Windows application is commonly composed of buttons , text boxes, static text, graphics, and other design elements.

See also Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


See also Unicode Transformation Format (UTF).

Mining Google Web Services
Mining Google Web Services: Building Applications with the Google API
ISBN: 0782143334
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157

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