

object protection, 363 “401
Access Data Projects (ADPs), 390 “91
further reading, 399 “400
hiding query (design) in forms and VBA code, 376 “77
MDE format, 391 “99
creating MDE database automatically, 395 “99
and database passwords, 394
encrypting MDE databases, 399
hiding queries in MDE databases, 394
problems with, 393
using forms in MDE databases, 394 “95
when MDE database is applicable , 392 “93
and workgroup security, 394
overview, 363 “65
protecting forms by using VBA code, 377 “80
protecting linked tables' paths with remote queries, 371 “74
protecting macros by using VBA code, 382
protecting query design, 374 “76
protecting reports by using VBA code, 381
protecting VBA code by using password, 382 “84
using data access pages with workgroup security, 385 “90
and workgroup security, 365 “71
developer workgroup file, 366 “67
overview, 365
workgroup permissions, 368 “71
objects. See also object protection; user and object surveillance
exporting to text files, 142 “45
exporting to text, how works, 147 “52
importing into blank database, 145 “47
ownership of, maintaining and change of, 269 “73
preventing reading of design, 264
securing, 262 “64
transferring ownership of, 267 “69
Office security patches, 446, 450
On Action drop-down list, 211
onClick event
of Finish button, 60, 63
of Refresh button, 33, 62, 66
Open Database option, 266
Open Exclusive permission, 275, 394
OpenCurrentDatabase method, 298, 302, 303, 304
OpenDatabase method, 304
OpenForm_FX function, 184, 184 “86
opening of Access 97 databases in Access 2000 or later, preventing, 266
OpenReport methods , 162
OpenReport_FX function, 186
Open/Run permission, 239, 336, 369, 370
clearing, 275 “76
and database importation, 268
operating system, protecting and securing database with, 403 “51
Access protected folder strategy, 427 “39
denying users ability to list folder contents, 429 “33
other permission- related topics, 438 “39
overview, 427 “28
setting up new DBA group , 428 “29
and shortcut files, 436 “37
testing permissions, 434 “36
whether works, 434
applicable operating system security overview, 406 “9
computer and network issues, 446 “47
further reading, 449 “500
NTFS format, 439 “41
overview, 15 “17, 403 “5
people issues, 447 “49
proof-of-concept operating system security, 409 “27
adding users to the group, 417 “19
assigning network account to Editors group, 425 “27
overview, 410 “11
preparing databases in protected folder, 410 “11
setting permissions on folder, 420 “24
setting up network share, 411 “13
setting up new Access Editors group, 416 “17
setting up user account, 413 “15
testing new Windows account, 419 “20
testing permissions, 424 “25
protecting against unattended computers, 441 “43
Windows XP, 443 “45
options. See database options and attributes
Options dialog box, 52
Orders table, 341, 357, 371, 372
organizing users in groups, 331
ownership of database and its objects, transferring, 267 “69

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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