Section 10.6. Lists

10.6. Lists

Humans are natural list-makers, so it makes sense that mechanisms for creating lists of information have been part of HTML since its birth. This section looks at the types of lists defined in (X)HTML:

  • Unordered information

  • Ordered information

  • Terms and definitions

10.6.1. Unordered Lists

Unordered lists are used for collections of related items that appear in no particular order. Most lists fall into this category. Just about any list of examples, components, thoughts, or options should be marked up as an unordered list. Most notably, unordered lists are the element of choice for navigational options. Unordered lists for navigation are discussed later in this section.

In (X)HTML, unordered lists are denoted with the ul element. The content of a ul is limited to one or more list items (li). List items may contain either block-level or inline elements, or both. Unordered lists and their list items are block elements, so each will display starting on a new line.




Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events

Deprecated attributes




Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events

Deprecated attributes

value="number" Unordered list syntax

This example shows the markup for a basic unordered list.

     <ul>         <li>Unordered information</li>         <li>Ordered information</li>         <li>Terms and definitions</li>     </ul> 

In HTML 4.01, the end tags for list items are optional, but in XHTML, all end tags are required. It is good practice to close all elements regardless of the version of HTML you are using. Unordered list presentation

By default, user agents insert a bullet before each list item in an unordered list. Leaving an unordered list unstyled (that is, applying no style sheet properties to it) is a reliable shortcut to having your information appear as an indented bulleted list.

But that sells the usefulness of the unordered list element short. By applying style properties, an unordered list may be presented however you like. You can change the shape of the bullets with the list-style-type property (this property replaces the deprecated type attribute that is discouraged from use). The list-style-image property allows you to use your own image as a bullet. Style properties for lists are discussed in Chapter 23.

And that's just the beginning. You can set lists to display horizontally, too. You can even use unordered list markup as the structure underlying a rich graphical navigation toolbar with rollover effects, all accomplished with Cascading Style Sheets. These techniques are outlined in Chapter 24.

10.6.2. Ordered Lists

Ordered lists are used for lists in which the sequence of the items is important, such as step-by-step instructions or endnotes. Ordered lists are indicated by the ol element and must include one or more list items (li). Like all lists, ordered lists and their list items are block-level elements.




Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events

Deprecated attributes


Ordered lists have the same basic structures as unordered lists, as shown in this simple example.

     <ol>       <li>Get out of bed</li>       <li>Take a shower</li>       <li>Walk the dog</li>     </ol> 

By default, user agents automatically number the list items in ordered lists . There is no need to add the number in the source.

Style sheets may be used to change the numbering system (list-style-type) as described in Chapter 23. The list-style-type property replaces the deprecated type attribute that specifies the numbering system for lists, as shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Values of the deprecated type attribute

Type value

Generated style

Sample sequence


Arabic numerals (default)

1, 2, 3, 4


Uppercase letters

A, B, C, D


Lowercase letters

a, b, c, d


Uppercase Roman numerals



Lowercase Roman numerals

i, ii, iii, iv

Use the deprecated start attribute to start the counting of the list items at a particular number. This markup example creates an ordered list using lowercase letters that starts counting at 10.

     <ol type="a" start="10">     <li>See</li>     <li>According to the W3C Working Group</li>     <li>See the XHTML 1.1 Working Document</li>     </ol> 

The resulting list would look like this, because "j" is the tenth letter in the alphabet:

j. See
k. According to the W3C Working Group
l. See the XHTML 1.1 Working Document

There is a CSS alternative to the start attribute using the counter-reset property, but it is poorly supported by browsers at this time.

10.6.3. Definition Lists

Use a definition list for lists that consist of term and definition pairs.

Definition lists are marked up as dl elements. The content of a dl is some number of terms (indicated by the dt element) and definitions (indicated by the dd element). The dt (term) element may contain only inline content, but a dd may include block-level or inline elements. All three elements used in definition lists are block-level elements and will start on a new line by default.




Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events



Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events



Core (id, class, style, title), Internationalization, Events

The markup structure for definition lists is a little different from the lists discussed so far. The entire list, made up of dt and dd elements, is contained within the dl element, as shown here.

     <dl>         <dt>em</dt>         <dd>Indicates emphasized text. em elements are nearly always rendered in italics.</dd>         <dt>strong</dt>         <dd>Denotes strongly emphasized text. Strong elements are nearly always rendered in bold text.</dd>         <dt>abbr</dt>         <dd>Indicates an abbreviated form.</dd>         <dt>acronym</dt>         <dd>Indicates an acronym.</dd>     </dl> 

Terms and definitions are not required to appear in alternating order. In other words, it is fine to introduce two terms and apply one definition, or supply two or more definition elements for a single term. The HTML 4.01 Recommendation provides an informal example of definition list dialogues, where the speaker corresponds to the term and the spoken words correspond to the definition. Many semantic (X)HTML experts consider this particular example to be an abuse of the semantics of definitional lists and thus it should be avoided.

The presentation of definition lists should be controlled with style sheet properties. By default, user agents generally display the definitions on an indent.

10.6.4. Nesting Lists

List elements may be nested within other lists. For example, you can add an unordered list within a definition list, or a numbered list as an item within an unordered list. This example shows just one variation. The resulting list is shown in Figure 10-2.

     <ol>     <li>Mix Marinade         <ul>         <li>2 slices ginger <em>(smashed)</em></li>         <li>1 T. rice wine or sake</li>         <li>1 t. salt</li>         <li>2 T. peanut oil</li>         </ul>     </li>     <li>Saute the seasonings</li>     <li>Add fish sauce</li>     </ol> 

Figure 10-2. Nested lists

Note that in order for the list markup to be valid, ul and ol elements may contain only li elements. That means the nested list must be contained within a list item (li) and may not be a child of the ul or ol element. Authors should also be careful to close all elements so they are nested properly and do not overlap.

When unstyled unordered lists (ul) are nested within each other, browsers automatically display a different bullet for each consecutive level, usually disc, then circle, then square. Nested ordered lists all receive the default Arabic numbering system (1, 2, 3, etc.). Use style sheets to specify the marker system for each nested list level, as appropriate.

Deprecated List Elements

The HTML and XHTML Transitional Recommendations include two deprecated list elements, dir and menu. The dir (directory) element was designed for use in multicolumn displays. The menu element was designed to be used as a single-column list of menu options. The W3C strongly discourages the use of these elements and instructs authors to use unordered lists (ul) instead.

Web Design in a Nutshell
Web Design in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596009879
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 325 © 2008-2017.
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