The CreateThread Function

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We've already discussed how a process's primary thread comes into being when CreateProcess is called. If you want to create one or more secondary threads, you simply have an already running thread call CreateThread:

 HANDLE CreateThread( PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, DWORD cbStack, PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnStartAddr, PVOID pvParam, DWORD fdwCreate, PDWORD pdwThreadID); 

When CreateThread is called, the system creates a thread kernel object. This thread kernel object is not the thread itself but a small data structure that the operating system uses to manage the thread. You can think of the thread kernel object as a small data structure that consists of statistical information about the thread. This is identical to the way processes and process kernel objects relate to each other.

The system allocates memory out of the process's address space for use by the thread's stack. The new thread runs in the same process context as the creating thread. The new thread therefore has access to all of the process's kernel object handles, all of the memory in the process, and the stacks of all other threads that are in this same process. This makes it really easy for multiple threads in a single process to communicate with each other.

The CreateThread function is the Windows function that creates a thread. However, if you are writing C/C++ code, you should never call CreateThread. Instead, you should use the Visual C++ run-time library function _beginthreadex. If you do not use Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler, your compiler vendor will have its own alternative to CreateThread. Whatever this alternative is, you must use it. I'll explain what _beginthreadex does and why it is so important later in this chapter.

OK, that's the broad overview. The following sections explain each of CreateThread's parameters.


The psa parameter is a pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure. You can (and usually will) pass NULL if you want the default security attributes for the thread kernel object. If you want any child processes to be able to inherit a handle to this thread object, you must specify a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure, whose bInheritHandle member is initialized to TRUE. See Chapter 3 for more information.


The cbStack parameter specifies how much address space the thread can use for its own stack. Every thread owns its own stack. When CreateProcess starts a process, it internally calls CreateThread to initialize the process's primary thread. For the cbStack parameter, CreateProcess uses a value stored inside the executable file. You can control this value using the linker's /STACK switch:

 /STACK:[reserve] [,commit] 

The reserve argument sets the amount of address space the system should reserve for the thread's stack. The default is 1 MB. The commit argument specifies the amount of physical storage that should be initially committed to the stack's reserved region. The default is one page. As the code in your thread executes, you might require more than one page of storage. When your thread overflows its stack, an exception is generated. (See Chapter 16 for more information about a thread's stack and stack overflow exceptions; see Chapter 23 for more information about general exception handling.) The system catches the exception and commits another page (or whatever you specified for the commit argument) to the reserved space, which allows a thread's stack to grow dynamically as needed.

When you call CreateThread, passing a value other than 0 causes the function to reserve and commit all storage for the thread's stack. Since all the storage is committed up front, the thread is guaranteed to have the specified amount of stack storage available. The amount of reserved space is either the amount specified by the /STACK linker switch or the value of cbStack, whichever is larger. The amount of storage committed matches the value you passed for cbStack. If you pass 0 to the cbStack parameter, CreateThread reserves a region and commits the amount of storage indicated by the /STACK linker switch information embedded in the .exe file by the linker.

The reserve amount sets an upper limit for the stack so that you can catch endless recursion bugs in your code. For example, let's say that you're writing a function that calls itself recursively. This function also has a bug that causes endless recursion. Every time the function calls itself, a new stack frame is created on the stack. If the system didn't set a maximum limit on the stack size, the recursive function would never stop calling itself. All of the process's address space would be allocated, and enormous amounts of physical storage would be committed to the stack. By setting a stack limit, you prevent your application from using up enormous amounts of physical storage, and you also know much sooner when a bug exists in your program. (The Summation sample application in Chapter 16 shows how to trap and handle stack overflows in your application.)

pfnStartAddr and pvParam

The pfnStartAddr parameter indicates the address of the thread function that you want the new thread to execute. A thread function's pvParam parameter is the same as the pvParam parameter that you originally passed to CreateThread. CreateThread does nothing with this parameter except pass it on to the thread function when the thread starts executing. This parameter provides a way to pass an initialization value to the thread function. This initialization data can be either a numeric value or a pointer to a data structure that contains additional information.

It is perfectly legal and actually quite useful to create multiple threads that have the same function address as their starting point. For example, you can implement a Web server that creates a new thread to handle each client's request. Each thread knows which client it is processing because you pass a different pvParam value as you create each thread.

Remember that Windows is a preemptive multithreading system, which means that the new thread and the thread that called CreateThread can execute simultaneously. Because the threads run simultaneously, problems can occur. Watch out for code like this:

 DWORD WINAPI FirstThread(PVOID pvParam) { // Initialize a stack-based variable int x = 0; DWORD dwThreadID; // Create a new thread. HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, SecondThread, (PVOID) &x, 0, &dwThreadId); // We don't reference the new thread anymore, // so close our handle to it. CloseHandle(hThread); // Our thread is done. // BUG: our stack will be destroyed, but // SecondThread might try to access it. return(0); } DWORD WINAPI SecondThread(PVOID pvParam) { // Do some lengthy processing here.       // Attempt to access the variable on FirstThread's stack. // NOTE: This may cause an access violation _ it depends on timing! * ((int *) pvParam) = 5;     return(0); } 

In the code above, FirstThread might finish its work before SecondThread assigns 5 to FirstThread's x. If this happens, SecondThread won't know that FirstThread no longer exists and will attempt to change the contents of what is now an invalid address. This causes SecondThread to raise an access violation because FirstThread's stack is destroyed when FirstThread terminates. One way to solve this problem is to declare x as a static variable so the compiler will create a storage area for x in the application's data section rather than on the stack.

However, this makes the function nonreentrant. In other words, you can't create two threads that execute the same function because the static variable would be shared between the two threads. Another way to solve this problem (and its more complex variations) is to use proper thread synchronization techniques (discussed in Chapters 8, 9, and 10).


The fdwCreate parameter specifies additional flags that control the creation of the thread. It can be one of two values. If the value is 0, the thread is schedulable immediately after it is created. If the value is CREATE_SUSPENDED, the system fully creates and initializes the thread but suspends the thread so that it is not schedulable.

The CREATE_SUSPENDED flag allows an application to alter some properties of a thread before it has a chance to execute any code. Because this is rarely necessary, this flag is not commonly used. The JobLab application presented in Chapter 5 demonstrates a correct use of this flag.


The last parameter of CreateThread, pdwThreadID, must be a valid address of a DWORD in which CreateThread stores the ID that the system assigns to the new thread. (Process and thread IDs were discussed in Chapter 4.)

Under Windows 2000 (and Windows NT 4), you can (and usually do) pass NULL for this parameter. This tells the function that you're not interested in the thread's ID, but the thread is created. On Windows 95 and Windows 98, passing NULL for this parameter causes the function to fail because the function tries to write the ID to address NULL, which is illegal. The thread is not created.

Of course, this inconsistency between operating systems can cause problems for developers. For example, let's say you develop and test an application on Windows 2000 (which creates the thread even if you pass NULL for the pdwThreadID parameter). When you later run your application on Windows 98, CreateThread will not create the new thread. You must always thoroughly test your applications on all operating systems (and versions) that you claim to support.

Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Programming Series)
ISBN: 1572319968
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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