EBGP (External BGP), 480
case study, 550–554, 551–552
confirmation, 588
hidden route repair, 571–588
Martian filtering, 560–571
peering, 554–560
r1, 589–591
r2, 591–594
r3, 594–598
r4, 599–603
r5, 603–604
r6, 604–608
r7, 608–611
defined, 630
peering in, 481–482, 482–483
C1, 487–488
C2, 484–486
P1, 493–498
T1, 500–504
T2, 498–500
troubleshooting, 489–493
policy in, 504
export. See export policies
forwarding path confirmation, 540–541
import. See import policies
summary, 549
timers and knobs in, 541
AS loops, 542–543
incoming traffic flow, 543–547
local preferences, 547–548
ECSA (Exchange Carriers Standards Association), 629
edge routers, 628
edit group command, 390, 392–393
edit interfaces command, 92
edit policy-options command, 181
edit policy-options policy-statement command
in IS-IS, 306
in OSPF, 189
edit policy-statement command, 429
edit protocols bgp group command
in EBGP, 484
in IBGP, 405–406
edit protocols bgp group interval command, 376
edit unit command, 104
editor macros (Emacs), 629
EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol), 629
egress routers, 629
EIA (Electronic Industries Association), 629
802.3ad link aggregation, 101
EIR (Equipment Identity Register), 629
electromagnetic interference (EMI), 629
Electronic Industries Association (EIA), 629
eligible keyword, 169–170
Emacs (editor macros), 629
embedded OS software, 629
emergency-level messages, 20
EMI (electromagnetic interference), 629
encapsulating security payload (ESP), 629
in ATM, 93
in Ethernet interfaces, 101
in Frame Relay
configuring, 71–79
point-to-multipoint connections, 80–82, 81
verifying, 79–80
in leaky bucket rate limiting, 119
with POS interfaces, 65–66
PPP, 82–88, 83
encryption in ATM, 90
end system entities, 629
end-to-end ATM switches, 95
Equipment Identity Register (EIR), 629
EROs (Explicit Route Objects), 629
escape sequence for IOS prompt, 6
ESP (encapsulating security payload), 629
Established neighbor state
defined, 629
in EBGP peering, 489
Ethernet interfaces, 101
aggregated, 114–117, 114
logical properties for, 102–103
MAC address filtering in, 111–113
physical properties for, 101, 102
summary, 114
VLAN and VRRP configuration for
r1, 103–105
r2, 105–107
VRRP authentication and tracking in, 107–111
exact match type, 629
exception packets, 629
Exchange adjacency state, 629
Exchange Carriers Standards Association (ECSA), 629
EXEC mode passwords, 3
exit command, 15
Explicit Route Objects (EROs), 629
export policies
EBGP, 520
hidden route repair, 520–525, 522, 571–588
route filtering, 525–540
confederations, 412
r5, 423–424
r6, 422–423
OSPF, 218–221, 231–235
ExStart adjacency state, 629
extensive option
for leaky bucket rate limiting, 121
for POS interfaces, 67
Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP), 629
External BGP. See EBGP (External BGP)
external LSA generation, 181–182
external metrics, 630
external option for confederations, 412