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Category: Text

Syntax: RightWords ( text ; numberOfWords )

Parameters: text ”any expression that resolves to a text string; numberOfWords ”any positive number or expression that returns a positive number.

Description: Returns the last n number of words in a text expression, where n is the number specified in the numberOfWords parameter.



 RightWords ("the quick brown fox jumps" ; 3) 

Returns brown fox jumps .


 RightWords (FullName ; 1) 

Returns Smith when the FullName field contains Joe Smith.


Be aware of what symbols are considered to be word breaks by FileMaker Pro. Spaces, return characters , and most punctuation symbols are considered to be word breaks. Multiple word breaks next to each other (for example, two spaces, a comma and a space) are considered as a single word break.

Certain punctuation symbols are word breaks when separating alpha characters, but not when separating numeric characters. These include the colon (:), slash (/), period (.), comma (,), and dash (-). For instance, RightWords ("54.6" ; 1) returns 54.6 , but RightWords ("x.y" ; 1) returns y . The reason for this behavior is that those symbols are valid date, time, and number separators.

Leading and trailing punctuation around a word will be ignored by the RightWords() function. For example, RightWords ("John Q. Public, Jr."; 2) returns Public, Jr , and RightWords ("John Q. Public, Jr."; 3) returns Q. Public, Jr .

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QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
QUE CORPORATION - Using Filemaker pro X
Year: 2003
Pages: 494

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