
[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]

C#, type safety of
C++, type safety of
capturing load events
CAS (Code Access Security)
     AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers attribute
     application domains with
     cocoon sample, adding to
     code identity basis of
     demands of permissions
     enforcement activity of
    evidence. [See evidence]
     fully trusted default for assembly calls
     goal of
     host protection compared to 2nd
     HostSecurityManager class for
     membership conditions
     overview of
     partially trusted code
    permissions. [See permissions]
    policy. [See CAS policy]
     relation of evidence, policy, and permissions
     runtime sequence of cocoon example
     scoping for application domains
     Skip Verification permission
     stack walks 2nd 3rd
CAS policy
     all code membership
     application domain evidence
     application domain level
     code groups 2nd
     disk representation of objects of
     DomainPolicy method
     enterprise level
     evaluation procedure
     first match code groups
     hierarchy of code groups
     levels of
     machine level
     membership conditions 2nd
     permission set combination
     policy statements
     policy trees 2nd
     relation to evidence and permissions
     sample code group
     SetAppDomainPolicy method
     tool for evaluating
     union code groups
     user level
Caspol.exe tool
casting, assembly loading issues with
CERs (constrained execution regions) 2nd
class libraries, .NET
     assembly dual installation
     GAC issues
     loading by startup shim
cleanup code
CLR Events manager
CLR hosting API. [See hosting API]
CLR hosting managers. [See hosting managers]
CLR hosts. [See hosts]
CLR startup shims. [See startup shims]
CLR startup. [See startup]
CLR thread pools [See also threads]
CLR-implemented manager discovery
clrversion.exe utility
cocoon deployment model
     .NET Framework assemblies in cocoons
     administrator policy
     application domain manager assembly loading
     assembly identity assignment
     assembly loading 2nd
     assembly loading manager creation
     binding identities 2nd
     CAS with 2nd
     EBindPolicyLevels enumeration
     evidence assignment
     evidence creation
     extra streams, purpose of
     file structure of cocoons 2nd
     GetBindingIdentitiesFromFile method
     host control object creation
     host protection with
     host-specific data association
     HostSecurityManager implementation
     IHostAssemblyStore implementation
     index stream 2nd
     initializing the CLR step
     invoking hosted applications
     loading assemblies 2nd 3rd
     main method location
     makecocoon.exe 2nd
     managed code version requirements
    managed example. [See runcocoonm example]
     membership condition creation
     module references, resolving
     multiple file assembly support
     OLE structured storage files
     opening cocoon files
     policy tree creation
     publisher policy, preventing application of
     resolving assembly references
     stream naming
     versioning rule implementation
code unloading
codebases 2nd
COM Descriptor Directory
COM interoperability
     default CLR host invocation
         default CLR host version selection
     deferred startups
     implicit loading of CLR
concurrent garbage collection
     configuration in default CLR host
     default CLR host default
configuration files
     application domain properties
     bindingRedirect element
     build type options
     file format of
     garbage collection
     purpose of
     requiredRuntime element
     supportedRuntime element
     version options
Configuration tool for viewing CAS policy
ConfigurationBytes property
ConfigurationFile property
Console class, host protection with
constrained execution regions (CERs) 2nd
constraint enforcement. [See host protection]
cooperative task scheduling 2nd 3rd
CoopFiber sample
CorBindToRuntimeEx function
     build parameter
     build types
     configuration settings for calls to
     deferred loading of CLR
     definition from mscoree.h
     domain neutral assembly specification 2nd 3rd
     garbage collection 2nd
     ICLRRuntimeHost 2nd
     initialization of CLR 2nd
     interface pointer returned by
     parameters, table of
     specifying configuration settings
     starting CLR
     startup failures
     startup options, setting
     startup shims with 2nd
     startupFlags 2nd
     version settings 2nd
     evidence, associating using
     method 2nd 3rd
CreateDomainHelper method
CreateInstanceFrom method of AppDomain
CreateMalloc method
critical finalizers
critical regions of code
cross-domain communication 2nd
culture, assembly specification of
customizing assembly loading. [See loading assemblies, customization]

Customizing the Microsoft  .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime
ISBN: 735619883
Year: 2005
Pages: 119

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