Try This


Which one of the seven myths seems especially poignant in your situation? Why?

Early specification reduces waste
The job of testing is to find defects
Predictions create predictability
Planning is commitment
Haste makes waste
There is one best way
Optimize by decomposition


When should the value stream timeline start in your organization? What does it mean to "receive an order" in your environment? Some companies start the timeline for product development when a product concept is approved for development (the order comes from the approval process). Others start the timeline from the time marketing recognizes a customer need and requests a new feature. What works best for you?


Churn: In your organization,

  1. What percentage of requirements change after they are documented?

  2. What percentage of development time is spent in "test and fix" or "hardening" activities at the end of a development cycle?

  3. What might you do to reduce these percentages?


People: How much training do first-line supervisors receive about how to lead their departments? What kinds of items receive emphasis on their appraisals? How much training do first-line project managers receive about how to lead their teams? What kinds of items receive emphasis on their appraisals? Is there a difference? Why?


Measurements: Have everyone in your organization list on a sheet of paper the key performance measurements they believe they are evaluated against. Then compile all of the measurements into a single list, perhaps anonymously. How many measurements are on the list? Are they the right ones? Are any key measurements missing? Can you think of ways to "Measure UP?"

Implementing Lean Software Development. From Concept to Cash
Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash
ISBN: 0321437381
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 89 © 2008-2017.
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