Transforming a Free-form Shape

Once you've completed your shape, you can use the Select/Transform tool to move and resize the shape just as you would any other object in Motion.

Let's select each shape with the Select/Transform tool and move the shapes to different positions on the screen.


Press Tab or Shift-S to choose the Select/Transform tool.

A bounding box appears around the selected shape.


Drag the BSpline petal shape to the right side of the frame.


Select the Bezier leaf shape and drag it to the right side of the frame.


Press Cmd-S to save the finished project.


Choose File > Close to close the project.

Now that you know how to use the free-form Create tools, you won't be limited to circles and rectangles as you add shapes to your projects.

    Apple Pro Training Series Getting Started with Motion
    Apple Pro Training Series: Getting Started With Motion
    ISBN: 0321305337
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 283
    Authors: Mary Plummer © 2008-2017.
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