17.1. HTTP Request and Response Classes

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HTTP specifications[1] concisely define messages as "requests from client to server and responses from server to client." At its most elemental level, the role of ASP.NET is to enable server-based applications to handle HTTP messages. The primary way it does this is through HTTPRequest and HttpResponse classes. The request class contains the HTTP values sent by a client during a Web request; the response class contains the values returned to the client.

[1] RFC 2616 Hypertext Transport Protocol HTTP/1.1

HttpRequest Object

An HttpRequest object is available to a Web application via the Page.Request or Context.Request property. The object's properties represent the way that .NET chooses to expose the content to an underlying HTTP request message. Consequently, the best way to understand HttpRequest is to examine the layout of the message it represents.

HTTP Request Message Structure

Figure 17-1 represents the general structure of the HTTP request message as defined by the HTTP/1.1 specifications.

Figure 17-1. Structure of a request message

Unless you are writing a browser, it is not necessary to understand the full details of the standard. However, a general understanding is useful to a developer who needs to extract information from the HttpRequest object. A few observations:

  • The Request-Line consists of three parts: the method token, the Request-URI, and the protocol version. Several methods are available, the most common being the POST and GET methods described in Chapter 16. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) specifies the resource being requested. This most commonly takes the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), but can be a file or other resource. The protocol version closes out the Request-Line.

  • The general-header is used to pass fields that apply to both requests and responses. The most important of these is the cache-control field that specifies, among other things, what can be cached and how long it can be cached.

  • The request-header is used by the client to pass additional information about the request, as well as the client. Most of the HttpRequest object's properties correspond to values in this header.

Viewing the Request Message

For debugging or simply out of curiosity you may want to view the raw contents of the HTTP request. A simple way to do this is to use the SaveAs method of the HttpRequest class to write the request to a file where it can be viewed with a text editor. The method, as shown here, takes two parameters: the name of the output file and a bool type switch that indicates whether HTTP headers are to be included in the output.


Posting a form containing two text boxes to the Web server generates this sample output. Of most interest are the browser description, referring Web page, and text box content values.

 POST /ideas/panel.aspx HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Length: 158 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-us Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=uszrfs45z4f20y45v0wyyp45 Host: localhost Referer: http://localhost/ideas/panel.aspx User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;  .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.40607) __VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwULLTEwODExMTgwOTAPZBYCA ...    &txtFirstName=joanna&txtLastName=larson&btnSubmit=Submit 

HttpRequest Class Structure

Table 17-1 summarizes selected properties of the HttpRequest class. Where applicable, it includes the underlying header and message field on which its content is based.

Table 17-1. HttpRequest Properties

HttpRequest Property

Request Message Field



String array of client-supported MIME accept types.


(request-header) User-Agent

Identifies software program making request.


Returns the client's security certificate as an HttpClientCertificate object. Used with SSL when a client is configured with a personal certificate.


(entity-header) Content-Type

Character set of the entity body.


(entity-header) Content-Length

Size of client request.


(entity-header) Content-Type

MIME content type of request.


Not defined in HTTP protocol

Collection of client's cookie variables.


Request-Line URI

The virtual path of the currently requested page.


Files uploaded by the client.



The collection of form variables including ViewState.


general and request-header fields

Collection containing content of headers contained in request message.


Request-Line method

HTTP data transfer method.


(request-header) Authorization

Has user been authenticated. true or False.



True if HTTPS used.


Request-Line URI

Virtual path of current request.


Physical path of current page.


Request-Line URI

Query string arguments.


Request-Line URI

Part of a URL following the domain name.


Request-Line method field

HTTP data transfer method (GET, POST).


(entity-header) Content-Length

Number of bytes in input stream.


Request-Line URI field and Host field of header

URL of current request.


(request-header) Referer field

Information about the URL of the client's previous request that linked to the current URL.


(request-header) User-Agent

String containing raw information about the client software used for request usually a browser.


IP host address of the remote client.

The built-in features of ASP.NET reduce the amount of direct interaction required between an application and the HttpRequest object. For example, we saw in Section 16.2, "Web Forms Controls," that ASP.NET Web controls generate code that is automatically tailored to the client's browser eliminating the need for the application code to implement logic to identify the browser. There are, however, some cases where an application must access the object fields directly. Logging Web statistics is one; another is working with cookies.

Cookies are used to store information on the computer of a client that has cookies enabled on his browser. The browser is responsible for passing the cookie value as part of the request and handling any cookies returned from the server. The Cookies attribute references the collection of cookies returned by the browser. The following code loops through the collection displaying the name, value, and expiration date of cookies in the collection.

 // Read cookies returned by browser foreach(string cookieName in Request.Cookies.AllKeys){    HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[cookieName];    Response.Write(cookie.Name+" = "+cookie.Value                   +"<br>Expires: "+cookie.Expires); } 

The only cookie in this collection is the ID used by ASP.NET to identify sessions. ASP.NET's use of cookies is discussed further in the next section.

 .NET_SessionId = avsqkn5501m3u2a41e3o4z55 Expires: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM  

HttpResponse Object

The HttpResponse class contains properties that encapsulate the information returned in a response message. It also provides methods that construct the response and send it to the requestor. As we did with the Request object, let's begin by taking a quick look at the underlying HTTP response message represented by the Response object (see Figure 17-2).

Figure 17-2. Structure of a response message

HTTP Response Message Structure

The server responds with a status line that includes the message's protocol version, a success or error code, and a textual description of the error code. This is followed by the general header and the response header that provides information about the server. The entity header provides metainformation about the body contents or the resource requested.

Viewing an HTTP Response Message

ASP.NET provides the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse classes for working with HTTP requests and responses, respectively. They are discussed in detail later in the chapter, but let's take a preliminary look at how they can be used to display portions of a response message.

Listing 17-1 contains a simple application that sends a request to a user-entered URL, receives the response, and extracts the status code and server description. Run the program from the command line by typing in the program name and domain name you want to contact:


showserver www.addison-wesley.de/


Web Host: Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Response Status: OK

Listing 17-1. Getting Status and Server Information from a Response Message
 //File: showserver.cs using System;  using System.Net;  class WebClient {    // To run, type in:  showserver <domain name>    public static void Main(string[] args)     {       HttpWebRequest request;        HttpWebResponse response;        if(args.Length>0)       {          string url="http://"+args[0];          // Create a request to the URL           request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);           try          {             response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();              Console.WriteLine("Web Host: "+response.Server);             Console.WriteLine("Response Status: "+                                response.StatusCode);          } catch ( Exception ex)          {             Console.Write(ex.Message);          }       } else        {          Console.Write("You must enter a domain name.");       }    } } 

HttpResponse Class Properties

Table 17-2 lists selected properties of the HttpResponse class. Some of those excluded exist only for ASP compatibility and have been deprecated by newer properties.

Table 17-2. Selected HttpResponse Properties




Set to true or false to indicate whether output is buffered and sent only when a page has been completely processed. Default is true.


HttpCachePolicy object that describes the caching policy features such as expiration time and privacy.

Example: Response.Cache.SetExpires( DateTime.Parse("6:00:00PM"));


Gets or sets the character set of the output stream.


An Encoding object that contains information about the character set of the current response. Encoding type includes ASCII, UTF-7, UTF-8, and others.


String value containing MIME type of the output for example, "text/html".


Collection of cookies sent to the client.


A developer-written Stream object that filters all data being sent to the client.


Indicates whether client is still connected to the server.


TextWriter object that sends text output to the client software. Example: Response.Output.Write("{0} Years Old", age);


Status code returned in the response message status line.


Status code description returned in the response message status line.

Particularly noteworthy is the Cache property, which can greatly affect how pages are displayed to a browser. It is used to define a caching policy that dictates if and how long pages are cached. We'll look at this property in Section 17.5, "Caching."

An example that displayed the contents of a cookie was presented in the discussion of the HttpRequest class. Let's extend that example by demonstrating how the response object is used to create and return a cookie to the client.

 // Create a cookie HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("userid","007"); // Cookie will live for 10 minutes // Timespan(days, hours, minutes, seconds) myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.Add(new TimeSpan(0,0,10,0)); // Add to collection Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); // Later... Read specific cookie myCookie = Request.Cookies["userid"]; if(myCookie !=null) Response.Write("userid: "+myCookie.Value); 

Using HttpResponse Methods

The Response.Write method, which we have used in numerous examples to emit output into the response stream, is the most commonly used method. Other useful methods include the following:

  • Redirect. Redirects the client's request to another URL.

  • AppendHeader. Adds an HTTP header to the response stream.

  • ClearContent. Clears the contents of the response stream.

  • End. Stops page execution and sends buffered output to the client.

  • WriteFile. Places the contents of a file directly into the output stream.

A simple, but useful, example (see Listing 17-2) illustrates how these methods can be used to download a file. The client request for this page includes a query string with the name of a requested file. The page locates the file (or returns an error message) and uses WriteFile to send it to the user. The AppendHeader, ClearContent, and End methods prepare and manage the response stream.

Listing 17-2. Using HttpResponse to Download a File
 //File: requestfile.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#"  %> <script Language="C#"  runat="Server">    private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {       //http://localserver/ideas/requestfile.aspx?file=notes.txt       string fileRequest = Request.QueryString["file"];       if(fileRequest!=null) {          // File is store in directory of application          string path = Server.MapPath(fileRequest);          System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(path);          if (fi.Exists) {             Response.ClearContent(); // Clear the response stream             // Add a header to indicate attachment type             Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition",                                    "attachment;filename="+fi.Name);             Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length",                                   fi.Length.ToString());             // Use octet-stream to indicate unknown media type             Response.ContentType="application/octet-stream";               // Write file to output stream             Response.WriteFile(fi.FullName);             Response.End(); // Flush buffer output to the client          }  else {             Response.Write(path+" does not exist.");          }       } else {          Response.Write("No Download file was specified.");       }    } </script> 

     < Day Day Up > 

    Core C# and  .NET
    Core C# and .NET
    ISBN: 131472275
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 219

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