

Lame Cat Equal to Any Other Cat? (code), 46-47
languages. See also C#; C++; VB .NET, language surprises
multiple, and Visual Studio .NET debugger, 74
"The Last Bug", 337-338
leaky abstractions, 466
ASP .NET debugging
Dealing with a Page-Level Error Using the Page_Error Event, 296
Dealing with an Application-Level Error Using an Application_Error Event, 298
Enabling Application-Level Tracing, 304
Enabling Page-Level Tracing at Design Time, 300
Enabling Page-Level Tracing at Runtime, 301
Loading the Trace Viewer Page, 304
Triggering a Page-Level Exception, 296
Triggering an Application-Level Exception, 298
Triggering an Unhandled Exception, 294
Triggering and Catching an Exception Within a Procedure, 295
Using Web.config to Redirect an Exception to a Custom Page, 298
Using Web.config to Redirect Various Exception Types, 299
debugging tools
CIL Produced by On Error Resume Next (code), 161-163
CIL Produced by Try Catch Finally (code), 164-165
Error Handling Comparison, 159-160
Modifying a String Manually, 167-168
Modifying a String Using StringBuilder, 168
error handling and exception management
A Bad Way to "Improve" the System.IO.File.Move Method, 383
Catering to Every Possible Type of Unhandled Exception Situation, 412-413
Hiding an Implementation Detail with a Custom Exception, 385-386
Hiding an Implementation Detail with a Framework Exception, 384
Implementing a Realistic Unhandled Exception Filter, 407-409
Improving the System.IO.File.Move Method, 381-382
Overriding the Windows Form Built-in Unhandled Exception, 411
Probing the System.IO.File.Move Method, 379-380
Pseudo-Code for Try Catch Finally, 373
An Unhandled Exception Filter That Reports Exception Information, 402-404
A Usable UserLoadException Custom Exception, 385-386
UserLoadException Complete Custom Exception, 393-394
UserLoadException Custom Exception with Serialization, 389-390
UserLoadException Custom Exception with the UserID Property, 390-391
multithreaded applications, debugging
The Account Class, 435-436
Adding SyncLock to Synchronize Access to Shared Data, 431
The Bank Class, 432-433
Canceling the Calculation, 452
The Cashier Class, 434-435
Code to Launch the Calculation Thread, 449-450
Completing the Calculation, 453
The CountCoordinator Class, 427-428
The CountWorker Class, 428-429
Displaying All User Threads Within a Specified Process, 446-447
Displaying AllWin32 Within a Specified Process, 444-445
A Hypothetical Transfer Method, 438
Performing the Accumulation Calculation, 450-451
A Thread-Safe Class for Reading and Writing Shared Data, 440-441
Trapping Any Calculation Thread Exception, 454
Updating the User Interface with Intermediate Calculation Results, 451-452
SQL server, debugging
The Corrected Store Procedure, 350
Creating the Test Stored Procedure, 347-348
Creating the Test Tables, 347
tracing and instrumentation
Creating and Using the TraceSwitch Class, 204
Creating the Custom Trace Switch, 205-207
Creating the Performance Category and Counters, 214-215
Custom Trace Listener for Recording Performance Data, 199-201
Determining If Debug Is Active, 212
Determining If Tracing Is Active, 194
Example of an Assertion Message, 191-192
Initialization of Each Performance Counter Instance, 216
Removing the Default Trace Listener, 195
Sending Trace Information to a Text File, 196-197
Sending Trace Information to the Application Event Log, 197-198
Sending Trace Information to the System Console, 195-196
Trace.WriteLineIf Performance Constraint, 190
Using the BooleanSwitch Class, 203
Using the Custom Trace Listener, 201
Using the Custom Trace Switch, 205
Using Trace.Assert, 190-191
Using Trace.Fail, 191
Using Trace.WriteLine, 189
Using Trace.WriteLineIf, 189
XML for Changing the Sensitivity of Two Trace Switches, 209
The XML Produced by the Custom Trace Listener, 202
XML to Add a Trace Listener at Runtime, 208
XML to Deactivate a Boolean Switch at Runtime, 209
XML to Redirect Assertion Failure Messages at Runtime, 210
VB .NET, language surprises
Ambiguous Overloading, 34-35
Boxing Can Be Dangerous, 58
The C# Translation of Listing 2-18, 56
C# Translation of Listing 2-3, 37
C# Translation of Listing 2-5, 39-40
Corrected LameCat.Equals Member, 48
Division By Zero, 59-61
Don't Forget to Override, 42
Double Trouble, 67
Is This Better?, 54
Lame Cat Equal to Any Other Cat?, 46-47
Member Overloading in VB .NET vs. C#, 36
More Member Overloading in VB .NET vs. C#, 38-39
Normal Inheritance Hierarchy, 43-44
See Double, 63-64
This Is Best, 54
Trouble When You Don't Cater Properly to NaN, 64-65
Using Protection with Inheritance, 49-50
What is True Really?, 33
What the C# Developer (and Compiler) Sees, 57
What the Compiler Sees, 54
What the Developer Sees, 54, 55
What the Developer Writes, 54, 55
What the VB .NET Compiler Sees, 56
Where Am I?, 51-52
VB.Classic debugging
Type Library Information with a ClassInterface Attribute of AutoDispatch, 334
Type Library Information with a ClassInterface Attribute of AutoDual, 334-335
Type Library Information with a Separately Implemented Interface, 336
VB .NET Can Combine COM Early Binding with Good COM Versioning, 335-336
VB .NET Component Code for use by a COM Client, 330
Web services, debugging
The Bare-bones SoapMonitor Custom SOAP Extension, 264
Binding the SoapMonitor Extension to a Web Method, 269, 274
Complete SoapMonitor Custom SOAP Extension, 266-268
Creating a Custom SoapException with Required Information, 257
CustomErrors Setting in TimeServer's Web.config, 262
The Debug Setting in TimeServer's Web.config, 244
Displaying the Custom Exception in the Client Application, 258-259
Exception Produced by the ThrowExceptionRaw Web Method, 248
Hiding Exception Details for Nonlocal Users, 260-261
The ProcessMessage Method on a Client-Based SOAP Extension, 272-273
Setting Up Access to the SOAP Stream Memory Buffer, 265
The SoapMonitorAttribute Custom SOAP Attribute, 269
The ThrowExceptionCustom Web Method Throws a Custom Exception, 256
The TimeService Class, 245
Windows Forms controls, debugging
Controlling and Viewing Control Debug Events, 235-236
Implementing the Numeric TextBox Control, 234-235
Windows services, debugging
Running a Windows Service As a Standard.exe, 315
Updating ServiceAdmin's Description During Installation, 317
Loading the Trace Viewer Page (code), 304
local method calls, vs. remote method calls, 459-460
LocalMonitor component, 477
localOnly attribute, 304
Locals windows, 109-111
location breakpoints, 101-103
log utility, 166
client SOAP logging, 271-274
exception information, 376
logging exceptions and error handling requirements, 368-369
logs, custom, for storing exceptions, 368
Lotus 1-2-3, and Excel bug, 30
The Lunch Game, 31

Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
Comprehensive VB .NET Debugging
ISBN: 1590590503
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 160
Authors: Mark Pearce © 2008-2017.
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