Santry, Patric, 35


configuration, 181

editing, 178

History, 179

Host and, 176–182

status, 180


overview, 258


creating, 258–260

scheduled, 258–260



caching, 310

Presentation Layer, 232

installation scripts, Data Layer, 235

startup, registering, 312

syntax, Data Layer, 236–237

upgrade scripts

Data Layer, 236

syntax, 236–237

Search Admin, Host and, 185–186

Search Input module, 92

Search Results module, 92

SearchDataStoreProvider, 284

searching. See also ISearchable Interface

Section Head control, 401


ASP.NET 2.0, 237–289

login, 238

membership provider, 238

user controls, 238

user management, 238

authentication, 131–135

Windows, 132–133

DotNetNuke 4.0, 238

applications and, 238

Membership Provider, 239–240

portals, 238

flaw in early days, 20–22

login, ASP.NET 2.0, 238, 288

membership, ASP.NET 2.0, 238, 288

pages, 120

portal registration options, 108


All Users, 114

assigning privileges, 117

creating, 114–116

delegating authority, 117

maintenance, 137

membership services, 116

portal configuration, 114–117

public roles, 116

Unauthenticated Users, 114

Site Settings, 107–108

SQL Server, database login and, 59

user controls, ASP.NET 2.0, 238, 288

user management, ASP.NET 2.0, 238, 288

Windows, database login and, 59

SendLogNotifications class, 245

server controls, static text in, 336–338

Settings control, 347

Events module, 384, 397–398

code-behind class, 398–399

code-behind regions, 399–400

Settings property, 388

[SIGNIN] skin object, 428

Site Configuration settings, 152

site details, Site Wizard, 102–103

Site Log, 141–142

Site Log History host-only site setting, 164

Site Referrals report, Site Log, 142

Site Settings

appearance, 106–107

configuration and, 113–114

miscellaneous, 111–113

page management, 109–110

payment, 110

postbacks, 106

security, 107–108

Stylesheet Editor, 113

site virtualization, IBuySpy Portal and, 4

Site Wizard

container, default, 101

logo, 103–104

radio buttons, 100

site details, 102–103

skins, 100

templates, 98–100

SiteSqlServer node, web.config, 66

SiteUrls.config, 265

modifications, 266

modified rule, 265

Skin class

DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.iActionable interface, 232

init event, 232

Presentation Layer, 232

style sheets, 232

Skin control, 401

Skin Gallery, 467

skin style sheet, skins, 440

Skin Thumbnail control, 401

skinning add-ons, 447

skins. See also panes

add-ons, 465

Admin's skins, 418

ascx files, 465

configuration files, 467–469

container objects, 442–443

attributes, 443–444

creating, 425

building, 426

designing, 425–426

objects, 427–429

preview image, 440

css files, 465

deploying, 440

directories, 418

file formats, 465

file types, 424

filenames, 466

gif files, 465

Host and, 168, 188

htm files, 465

html files, 465

installation, 418

FTP-based, 472

web-based, 469–471

introduction, 415–416

jpeg files, 465

jpg files, 465

loading, 418–423

default source code, 418

ManageStyleSheets function, 422–423

Master Pages and, 417

objects, 427–429, 460–463

attributes, 429–438

instances, 438–439

manifest file format, 462–463


[ACTIONS], 460

[BANNER], 461






[HELP], 461


[ICON], 460



[LINKS], 461

[LOGIN], 462

[LOGO], 462

[MENU], 462


[PRIVACY], 462

[SEARCH], 462

[SIGNIN], 460



[TERMS], 462

[TITLE], 460


[USER], 462


packages, 465

file organization and, 418

packaging, 424

pane level, 441

png files, 465

portal configuration, 121–123

Presentation Layer, 232

preview image, 440

previewing, 467

Site Wizard, 100

style sheets, 439–440

xml files, 465

zip files, 418, 465

SMTP Server settings, 158–159

software downloads, 57

DotNetNuke 4.x installation, 73

source package, 57

SourceForge, 34

SPLA (Service Provider License Agreement), 36

Splash Page setting, page management, 109

sponsorship, 18

Sponsorship model, 51

SQL, Host and, 176

SQL Server

database creation, installation and, 58

security, database login and, 59

SQL Server Client Tools, database creation and, 58

SQLDataProvider class

constructors, 366–367

public methods, 368–369

public properties, 367–368

SqlDataProvider upgrade script, 236–237

SQLDataProvider.GetFolder method, 235

src element, Control element (folder node), 452

stability of DotNetNuke, 26

Stallman, Richard, 13

Start Date setting, 119

Starter Kit

DotNetNuke 4.x installation, 74, 77

installation, 353–354

startup scripts, registering, 312

static text, handling programmatically, 338–339

stored procedures

AddEvent, 360–361

DeleteEvent, 361

GetEvent, 361–362

GetEvents, 362–363

GetEventsByDate, 363

UpdateEvent, 364

style sheets, skins, 439–440

Stylesheet Editor, 113

subscription service, IBuySpy Workshop as, 8

SuperUser account, 150. See also Host

Survey module, manifest module, 453–455

SW-Soft (Plesk), 36

system locales, 326

Professional DotNetNuke 4.0 (c) Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP. NET 4.0
Professional DotNetNuke 4: Open Source Web Application Framework for ASP.NET 2.0 (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0471788163
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 182

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