UNHOOK, macro, 3738

Unicode string

FileName, 20

specifier for a, 47

unintended installation, overview, 245

unloading, the rootkit, 24

Updates, control category, 257

User Hooks

code for finding a specific dynamic link library, 44–46

example, 50–99

finding a specific library, 44–49

Ghost.h file, 50–51

Ghost.h file code, 51

hookManager.c file, 54–63

hookManager.c file code, 55–63

hookManager.h file, 52–54

hookManager.h file code, 52–54

injectManager.c file, 66–78

injectManager.c file code, 67–78

injectManager.h file, 63–66

injectManager.h file code, 63–66

parse86.c file, 78–96

parse86.c file code, 79–96

parse86.h file, 78

parse86.h file code, 78

peFormat.h file, 97–99

peFormat.h file code, 97–99

process injection, 43–44


summary, 100–101

using Ghost to block PGP encoding, 99–100

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler

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