

salaries, 113 ‚ 114
defined, 55
functionality implication , 96
scripted illusions of, 95
architectural requirements, 122, 123
business functionality, 122 ‚ 123
communicating Product Backlogs, 127
Daily Scrums for multiple customers, 126
debugging, 130 ‚ 131
development environment requirements,
122, 123
functionality, grouping Teams by, 129 ‚ 130
incremental functionality for infrastructure, 122 ‚ 123
infrastructure for, 120 ‚ 121
infrastructure requirements for, 122 ‚ 123
Medcinsoft example, 124 ‚ 131
MegaFund example, 120 ‚ 122
multiple customers coordination solution, 126 ‚ 129
nonfunctional requirements, 123
overview of, 119
prioritizing Product Backlogs, 120 ‚ 121
Product Backlogs, 120 ‚ 121, 126 ‚ 127
Product Owner role example, 128
rules for, enumerated, 122
Scrum of Scrums, 121
Sprints, requirements for beginning, 123
staging, 122 ‚ 123
synchronization mechanism requirement, 122
Teams, multiple. See multiple Teams
transactions example, 120 ‚ 122
visibility solutions, 127
Y2K example, 124 ‚ 131
schedules, evening out of, 39
Scrum of Scrums. See also multiple Teams
contradiction of self-organization, 132
defined, 44
scaling, 121
Scrum skeleton, 5 ‚ 7
authority, source of, 25
Certified ScrumMaster training, 29, 65
commitment to Teams, 30
Contoso example, 31 ‚ 33
Daily Scrum meetings, role in, 135
defined, 1, 141
difficulty in learning art of, 25
facilitation vs. bossing, 27 ‚ 29
interference, protecting team from, 17 ‚ 18
limits on knowledge of, 47
limits on power of, 50
Litware example, 29 ‚ 31
MegaFund example, 33 ‚ 35
mentoring new, importance of, 35
missing meetings, 30
outside interference, dealing with, 34 ‚ 35
overzealous, example of, 31 ‚ 33
philosophy of Scrum, learning, 25
possessiveness indicator, 27
Product Owners, relationship to, 36, 53, 65
project managers, difference from, 25, 30 ‚ 31,
35 ‚ 36, 104
reports , role in, 86 ‚ 92
responsibilities of, 16, 36
role overview, 7
rules, enforcing, 133
sheepdog analogy for, 16, 30
Teams treating as project manager, 104
Teams, relation to, 103 ‚ 104, 106, 108, 110
training for, 29, 65
Trey Research example, 26 ‚ 29
value of, 17 ‚ 18
wolves , dealing with, 34 ‚ 35
SEI (Software Engineering Institute)
certification, 151
reports, role in, 99
Teams, learning, 104 ‚ 105
collective commitment requirement, 48
communication, increasing, 114 ‚ 115
complexity dependence, 132
key to Team success, 21
killing with bossing, 28
oversized Team example, 22 ‚ 23
real problems needed for understanding of, 51
Scrum of Scrums contradiction, 132
Teams, transitions to, 107 ‚ 110
sequential tasks problem, 39, 42
Service 1st example
Product Owners role, 55 ‚ 57
reports, 95 ‚ 99
team formation, 102 ‚ 115
shadow Product Owner example, 57 ‚ 60
sheepdog analogy for ScrumMasters, 30
skeleton of Scrum, 5 ‚ 7
Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
certification, 151
Sprint Backlogs
debugging vagueness, 97
defined, 12 ‚ 13, 134, 141
failing to keep up-to-date, 97
tasks, 141
Sprint Planning meetings
purpose of, 8, 17
face-to-face talks, benefit of, 60
multi-team approach to, 45
prioritizing tasks, 40
abnormal termination of, 34, 136
adding Backlog items during, 137
backlogs. See Sprint Backlogs
defined, 8, 64, 141
first, estimates for, 111
increments of product functionality, 12 ‚ 14, 19
meetings, planning. See Sprint Planning meetings
multiple Teams, reviewing together, 56 ‚ 57
non-Team input into, 136
outside help for Teams, 136
planning meetings. See Sprint Planning meetings
Product Backlogs in, 136
report, ending. See reports
retrospectives. See retrospective meetings, Sprint
review meetings. See review meetings, Sprint
reviews as reporting mechanisms, 57
rules for, 136 ‚ 137
sashimi from, 55
Team role in, 8, 137
time-boxing of, 136
staging, 122 ‚ 123
defined, 4, 84, 142
planning, expectations set during, 67
role in review meetings, 138
visibility for, 84
suboptimal measurement, 114

Agile Project Management With Scrum
Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 073561993X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 88
Authors: Ken Schwaber © 2008-2017.
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