

caching MSI files, 108 ‚ 109, 147, 151
canceling installation, InstaFox, 425
capacity testing, 10
MSDE vs. VFP, 215
CCC (Copyright Clearance Center), 305
CD-based setup delivery, 75 ‚ 77, 196, 358
diskettes vs., 73 ‚ 74
CD burners, 50. See also media duplication
CDX files, 256
changes to applications. See updating applications
deployment, 7 ‚ 12
post-mortem review, 243 ‚ 245
release process, 233
chronological version numbers , 267
Citrix product for setup delivery, 81 ‚ 82
cleaning registry entries for setup package, 153
CLEAR EVENTS command, 8
client relationships. See customer relationships
client responsibilities, specifying, 319
client/server applications, 203 ‚ 231
common deployment problems, 230 ‚ 231
database administration and security, 222
generating the setup, 223 ‚ 230
installing new backend databases, 206 ‚ 215
DTS for, 212 ‚ 215
restoring backup files, 207
running scripts for, 208 ‚ 210
SQL-DMO for, 210 ‚ 212
MSDE, 221, 227
SQL Server vs., 215 ‚ 220
performance, 204 ‚ 205
security, 205
ClockRack utility, 239, 461
CmdLine entry, [Startup] section, 145
code. See source code
CODEPAGE property (Config.fpw), 166
COM objects
installation considerations, 171 ‚ 173
packaging for delivery, 70
where to install, 67
communication with customers. See customer relationships
comparing database instances, 259
competition, avoiding, 317 ‚ 318
compiling project, Wise for Windows Installer, 397
compiling scripts, Inno Setup, 445
component codes, 115, 131
Component table, MSI files, 124
Components section, Inno Setup scripts, 441
components (setup packages), 107, 113 ‚ 115
computers. See entries at workstation
computing environment. See customer environment
confidentiality, 317
Config.fpw file, 166 ‚ 167
Config.nt file, 28
Config.sys file, 28
configuration table, checking, 72
connectivity requirements, 39
containers, database, 164 ‚ 165
contractors. See employees and contractors
contracts, 308 ‚ 322. See also legal and contractual issues
content of (clauses), 311 ‚ 322
termination methods , 320
converting data with update releases, 59, 236, 257
files, InstaFox, 428
redistribution guidelines, 16 ‚ 22
runtime files to workstations, 63
setup files, manually, 359
copyrights, 301 ‚ 307, 467 ‚ 469
correcting applications. See repairing applications; updating applications
corrupt data, recovering, 253 ‚ 256
COTS applications, 293
creative works, defined, 301
crippleware , 291
Crystal Reports, 178 ‚ 184
cursor, Database property, 9, 36
custom deployment, 293, 296
custom program code, 315
customer environment, 10, 23 ‚ 40. See also customer relationships
database platforms, 35 ‚ 36
deployment problems, 200, 231
destination folder. See destination folder for installation
destination workstation. See target computer, configuring
integrating technologies and applications, 36 ‚ 38
networking and connectivity, 33 ‚ 35, 39
operating systems, 27 ‚ 33
physical office layout, 39
requirements for VFP applications, 13
workstations and hardware, 23 ‚ 27, 40
Customer Information dialog, 192
customer relationships, 5, 40 ‚ 46, 245
acceptance testing, 56, 235, 245
client responsibilities, specifying, 319
about product release, 237 ‚ 238
with end users, 44 ‚ 45
maintaining, 42, 50, 245
mechanisms for, 240, 241
contracts. See contracts
exclusive rights as protection, 304
first meeting, 41
making an impression , 5 ‚ 7, 53, 69. See also acceptance testing
technical support, 239 ‚ 243
testing, preparing for, 53, 312
unexpected issues, responding to, 40
version numbers, value of, 267
Customers.dbf and Customers.dcx files (example), 117

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
ISBN: 1930919328
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 232 © 2008-2017.
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