System Utilities and Maintenance-Related Commands




Displays the list of processes running on the system. Common options include -l for a detailed list, -a for all processes, and -x to display daemon processes as well. Use -w for "wide" format or -ww to make it even wider. (See Chapter 15, "Performance Monitoring, Process Control, and Job Automation.")


Displays a continuously updated list of processes and their resource usage statistics. (See Chapter 15.)

kill n

In this command, n is the process ID number you want to kill. Options are available to send different signals to the process. (See Chapter 15.)

killall pname

In this command, pname is the name of the process to kill. All processes that match the specified name and belong to you will be killed (with a TERM signal). Options are available to send different signals to each process. (See Chapter 15.)


Schedules a job or command to run at a specified time. (See Chapter 15.)

crontab filename

Schedules jobs or commands to run on a regular basis. Options include -e to edit the existing crontab file and -u to specify a particular user's file. filename, which is optional, is the name of the crontab file you want to edit. (See Chapter 15.)


Shuts down or reboots the system. A number of configuration options are available for putting the system into any of several states or modes, such as single user mode. (See Chapter 4, "Booting and Shutting Down FreeBSD.")


Reboots the system. A related command is halt, which takes the same arguments as reboot but shuts down the system rather than rebooting it. (See Chapter 4.)

FreeBSD 6 Unleashed
FreeBSD 6 Unleashed
ISBN: 0672328755
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 355
Authors: Brian Tiemann © 2008-2017.
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