Chapter 6

[Page 668 (continued)]

Exercises 6.1




You are a super programmer!




The value of q keeps growing until the program crashes when the value reaches the upper limit for a variable of type Double.


Do and Loop interchanged


While num >= 7


Until response <> "Y"


Until name = ""


Until (a <= 1) Or (a >= 3)


While n = 0


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Request and display three names.   Dim name As String, num As Integer = 0   Do While num < 3     name = InputBox("Enter a name:")     lstOutput.Items.Add(name)     num += 1    'Add 1 to value of num.   Loop End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.   Dim fmtStr As String = "{0,7}  {1,10}" 
[Page 669]
Dim celsius As Double = -40
lstOutput.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, "Celsius", "Fahrenheit")) Do While celsius <= 40 lstOutput.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, celsius, _ Fahrenheit(celsius))) celsius += 5 Loop End Sub Function Fahrenheit(ByVal celsius As Double) As Double 'Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. Return (9 / 5) * celsius + 32 End Function


Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(...) Handles btnDetermine.Click   'Determine the year that the world population will exceed   '10 billion, assuming a 1.2% rate of increase.   Dim yr As Integer, pop As Double   yr = 2006         'Start at 2006.   pop = 6.5         'Population of 6.5 billion   Do While pop <= 10     pop = (1 + 0.012) * pop     yr += 1   Loop   txtOutput.Text = "The world population will reach 10 billion in " _                   & yr & "." End Sub


Private Sub btnDetermine_Click (. . .) Handles btnDetermine.Click   'Display first terms in the Fibonacci sequence   Dim x As Integer = 1   Dim y As Integer = 1   Dim z As Integer = x + y   1stOutput.Items.Clear()   1stOutput.Items.Add(x)   1stOutput.Items.Add(y)   Do While z <= 100     1stOutput.Items.Add(z)     x = y     y = z     z = x + y   Loop End Sub


Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(...) Handles btnDetermine.Click   'When after 6:30, do clock hands exactly overlap?   Dim minuteHandPos, hourHandPos, difference As Double   minuteHandPos = 0   hourHandPos = 30   Do While hourHandPos - minuteHandPos >= 0.0001     difference = hourHandPos - minuteHandPos     minuteHandPos = minuteHandPos + difference     hourHandPos += difference / 12   Loop   txtOutput.Text = "The hands overlap at " & _                FormatNumber(minuteHandPos, 2) & " minutes after six." End Sub

[Page 670]

Private Sub btnBounceBall_Click(...) Handles btnBounceBall.Click   'Drop a ball, and find number of bounces and total distance traveled.   Dim height, bounceFactor, distance As Double   Dim bounces As Integer   InputData(height, bounceFactor)   BounceBall(height, bounceFactor, bounces, distance)   ShowData(bounces, distance) End Sub Sub InputData(ByRef height As Double, _               ByRef bounceFactor As Double)   'Input height and coefficient of restitution.   Dim prompt As String   prompt = "What is the coefficient of restitution of the " & _            "ball (0 to 1)? Examples are .7 for a tennis ball, " & _            ".75 for a basketball, .9 for a super ball, and " & _            ".3 for a softball."   bounceFactor = CDbl(InputBox(prompt))   prompt = "From how many meters will the ball be dropped?"   height = CDbl(InputBox(prompt))   height = 100 * height   'Convert to centimeters. End Sub Sub BounceBall(ByVal hght As Double, ByVal bFactor As Double, _                ByRef bounces As Integer, ByRef dist As Double)   bounces = 1             'First bounce   dist = hght   Do While hght * bFactor >= 10     bounces += 1     hght = bFactor * hght     dist += 2 * hght     'Up then down again   Loop End Sub Sub ShowData(ByVal bounces As Integer, _             ByVal distance As Double)   txtOutput.Text = "The ball bounced " & bounces _                    & " times and traveled about " & _                    FormatNumber(distance / 100) & " meters." End Sub


Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click   'Calculate number of years to deplete savings account.   Dim amt As Double, yrs As Integer   amt = CDbl(InputBox("Enter initial amount in account:"))   yrs = 0   If amt * 1.05 - 1000 >= amt Then     txtOutput.Text = "Account will never be depleted."   Else     Do       amt = amt * 1.05 - 1000       yrs += 1     Loop Until amt <= 0     txtOutput.Text = "It takes " & yrs & _                    " years to deplete the account."   End If End Sub

[Page 671]

Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click   'Compute age when year is the square of age.   Dim age As Integer = 1   Do While (1980 + age) <> (age * age)     age += 1   Loop   txtOutput.Text = age & " years old" End Sub


Private Sub btnCapitalizeAll_Click(...) Handles btnCapitalizeAll.Click   txtOutput.Text = txtSentence.Text.ToUpper End Sub Private Sub btnCapitalizeFirstLetters_Click(...) Handles _            btnCapitalizeFirstLetters.Click   'Capitalize first letter of each word.   Dim info As String = txtSentence.Text.Trim   Dim word As String   Dim newSentence As String = ""   Dim positionOfSpace As Integer = info.indexOf(" ")   info = txtSentence.Text.Trim   Do While info <> ""     positionOfSpace = info.IndexOf(" ")     If positionOfSpace <> -1 Then       word = info.Substring(0, positionOfSpace + 1)       info = info.Substring(positionOfSpace + 1)       newSentence &= word.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper & word.Substring(1)     Else       newSentence &= info.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper & info.Substring(1)       info = ""     End If   Loop   txtOutput.Text = newSentence End Sub


Private Sub btnFind_Click(...) Handles btnFind.Click   'Compute the greatest common divisor of two numbers.   Dim m, n, t As Integer   InputIntegers(m, n)   Do While n <> 0     t = n     n = m Mod n    'Remainder after m is divided by n.     m = t   Loop   txtOutput.Text = "The greatest common divisor is " & m & "." End Sub Sub InputIntegers(ByRef m As Integer, ByRef n As Integer)   'Input two integers.   m = CInt(InputBox("Enter first integer:", "GCD"))   n = CInt(InputBox("Enter second integer:", "GCD")) End Sub

[Page 672]

Exercises 6.2


At least one word contains the letter A.


pie cake melon


  A Apple Apricot Avocado    B Banana Blueberry    G Grape    L Lemon Lime


A brace of ducks.




Loop statement missing. Also, loop cannot be entered because the (default) value of num is 0.


Last president in file will not be displayed.


Private Sub btnFind_Click(...) Handles btnFind.Click   'Find largest of a collection of numbers.   Dim largest, num As Double   largest = 0   Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("POSNUMS.TXT")   Do While sr.Peek <> -1     num = CDbl(sr.ReadLine)     If num > largest Then       largest = num     End If   Loop   txtOutput.Text = "The largest number is " & largest & "."   sr.Close() End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Display percentage of grades that are above average.   Dim total, grade, average As Double   Dim numGrades, aaCount As Integer   Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("FINAL.TXT")   total = 0   numGrades = 0   Do While sr.Peek <> -1     grade = CDbl(sr.ReadLine)     total += grade     numGrades += 1   Loop   sr.Close() 
[Page 673]
If numGrades > 0 Then
average = total / numGrades aaCount = 0 sr = IO.File.OpenText("FINAL.TXT") Do While sr.Peek <> -1 grade = CDbl(sr.ReadLine) If grade > average Then aaCount += 1 End If Loop sr.Close() txtOutput.Text = FormatPercent(aaCount / numGrades) & _ " of grades are above the average of " & _ FormatNumber(average) & "." End If End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Display the name of the requested president.   Dim n, num As Integer   Dim name As String   Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("USPRES.TXT")   n = CInt(txtPresNum.Text)   If (1 <= n) And (n <= 43) Then     num = 0     Do       name = sr.ReadLine       num += 1     Loop Until num = n     lstOutput.Items.Add(name & " was President number " & n & ".")     sr.Close()   End If   txtPresNum.Clear()   txtPresNum.Focus() End Sub


Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click   'Generate sequence with algorithm   Dim n, numSteps As Double   lstOutput.Items.Clear()   n = CDbl(txtInitialNumber.Text)   numSteps = 0   Do While n <> 1     numSteps += 1     If (n / 2) = Int(n / 2) Then       n = n / 2       lstOutput.Items.Add(n)     Else       n = (3 * n) + 1       lstOutput.Items.Add(n)     End If   Loop   txtOutput.Text = "It took " & numSteps & " steps to reach 1." End Sub


Private Sub btnFind_Click(...) Handles btnFind.Click   'Analyze a Shakespearean sonnet.   Dim totalWords, lineCount As Double 
[Page 674]
Dim wordCount, positionOfSpace As Integer Dim sonnetLine, word As String Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("SONNET.TXT") totalWords = 0 lineCount = 0 Do While sr.Peek <> -1 sonnetLine = sr.ReadLine lineCount += 1 wordCount = 0 Do While sonnetLine <> "" positionOfSpace = sonnetLine.IndexOf(" ") If positionOfSpace <> -1 Then word = sonnetLine.Substring(0, positionOfSpace + 1) sonnetLine = sonnetLine.Substring(positionOfSpace + 1) Else sonnetLine = "" End If wordCount += 1 Loop totalWords += wordCount Loop sr.Close() txtOutput.Text = "The sonnet contains an average of " & _ FormatNumber(totalWords / lineCount) & _ " words per line and a total of " _ & totalWords & " words." End Sub


Private Sub btnRemoveParens_Click(...) Handles btnRemoveParens.Click   'Remove parentheses and their contents from a sentence.   Dim sentence, letter, newSentence As String   Dim parensFlag As Boolean, position As Integer   sentence = txtSentence.Text   newSentence = ""   parensFlag = False   position = 0   Do Until position > sentence.Length - 1     letter = sentence.Substring(position, 1)     Select Case letter       Case "("         parensFlag = True       Case ")"         parensFlag = False         position = position + 1       Case Else         If parensFlag = False Then           newSentence &= letter         End If     End Select     position += 1   Loop   txtOutput.Text = newSentence End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Display liquids available, given an amount of money.   Dim money, price As Double 
[Page 675]
Dim liquid, top As String
lstOutput.Items.Clear() money = CDbl(txtAmount.Text) top = "You can purchase one gallon of any of the following liquids:" lstOutput.Items.Add(top) Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("LIQUIDS.TXT") Do While sr.Peek <> -1 liquid = sr.ReadLine price = CDbl(sr.ReadLine) If price <= money Then lstOutput.Items.Add(liquid) End If Loop sr.Close() End Sub

Exercises 6.3


Pass #1 Pass #2 Pass #3 Pass #4


2 4 6 8 Who do we appreciate?


5 6 7


Steve Cram  3:46.31 Steve Scott  3:51.6 Mary Slaney  4:20.5


1    4    7     10 2    5    8     11 3    6    9     12




Loop is never executed since 1 is less than 25.5, and the step is negative.


For...Next loop will not execute since 20 is greater than 0. You must add Step -1 to end of For statement.


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   For num As Integer = 1 To 9 Step 2     lstBox.Items.Add(num)   Next End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   Dim row As String = ""   For i As Integer = 1 To 9     row &= "*"   Next   txtOutput.Text = row End Sub

[Page 676]

Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Display 10 x 10 array of stars.   Dim row As String   For i As Integer = 1 To 10     row = ""     For j As Integer = 1 To 10       row &= "*"     Next     lstOutput.Items.Add(row)   Next End Sub


Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click   'Compute the sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... + 1/100.   Dim sum As Double   sum = 0   For denominator As Double = 1 To 100     sum += 1 / denominator   Next   txtOutput.Text = "The sum is " & FormatNumber(sum, 5) & "." End Sub


Private Sub btnAnalyzeOptions_Click(...) Handles _            btnAnalyzeOptions.Click   'Compare salaries.   Dim opt1, opt2 As Double   opt1 = Option1()   opt2 = Option2()   lstOutput.Items.Add("Option 1 = " & FormatCurrency(opt1))   lstOutput.Items.Add("Option 2 = " & FormatCurrency(opt2))   If opt1 > opt2 Then     lstOutput.Items.Add("Option 1 pays better.")   Else     lstOutput.Items.Add("Option 2 pays better.")   End If End Sub Function Option1() As Double   'Compute total salary for 10 days,   'with a flat salary of $100/day.   Dim sum As Integer   sum = 0   For i As Integer = 1 To 10     sum += 100   Next   Return sum End Function Function Option2() As Double   'Compute the total salary for 10 days,   'starting at $1 and doubling each day.   Dim sum, daySalary As Integer   sum = 0   daySalary = 1   For i As Integer = 1 To 10     sum += daySalary     daySalary = 2 * daySalary   Next 
[Page 677]
Return sum End Function


Private Sub btnComputeIdealWeights_Click(...) Handles _             btnComputeIdealWeights.Click   'Ideal weights for men and women   Dim lower, upper As Integer   lstWeightTable.Items.Clear()   InputBounds(lower, upper)   ShowWeights(lower, upper) End Sub Function IdealMan(ByVal height As Integer) As Double   'Compute the ideal weight of a man given the height.   Return 4 * height - 128 End Function Function IdealWoman(ByVal height As Integer) As Double   'Compute the ideal weight of a woman given the height.   Return 3.5 * height - 108 End Function Sub InputBounds(ByRef lower As Integer, ByRef upper As Integer)   'Input the lower and upper bounds on height.   lower = CInt(InputBox("Enter lower bound on height in inches:"))   upper = CInt(InputBox("Enter upper bound on height in inches:")) End Sub Sub ShowWeights(ByVal lower As Integer, ByVal upper As Integer)   'Display table of weights.   Dim fmtStr As String = "{0,-11}{1,-13}{2,-11}"   lstWeightTable.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, "Height", _                            "Wt-Women", "Wt-Men"))   lstWeightTable.Items.Add("")   For height As Integer = lower To upper     lstWeightTable.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, height, _                            IdealWoman(height), IdealMan(height)))   Next End Sub


Private Sub btnAnalyze_Click(...) Handles btnAnalyze.Click   'Determine number of sibilants in sentence.   txtOutput.Text = "There are " & Sibilants(txtSentence.Text) & _                   " sibilants in the sentence." End Sub Function Sibilants(ByVal sentence As String) As Integer   'Count the number of sibilants (i.e., the letters S and Z).   Dim numSibs As Integer   Dim letter As String   numSibs = 0   For i As Integer = 0 To sentence.Length - 1     letter = sentence.Substring(i, 1).ToUpper     If (letter = "S") Or (letter = "Z") Then       numSibs += 1     End If   Next   Return numSibs End Function

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Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(...) Handles btnCalculate.Click   'Savings account balance after 10 years   Dim amt As Double = 800   For yearNum As Integer = 1 To 10     amt = (1.04 * amt) + 100 '(Growth due to interest) + deposit   Next   txtOutput.Text = "The final amount is " & FormatCurrency(amt) & "." End Sub


Private Sub btnAnalyze_Click(...) Handles btnAnalyze.Click   'Radioactive decay; cobalt-60 decays at a rate of about 12% per year   Dim grams As Double = 10   For yearNum As Integer = 1 To 5     grams = 0.88 * grams   Next   lstOutput.Items.Add("Of 10 grams of cobalt-60,")   lstOutput.Items.Add(FormatNumber(grams) & _                     " grams remain after 5 years.") End Sub


Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click   'Draw a hollow box.   Dim stars As Integer   lstOutput.Items.Clear()   stars = CInt(InputBox("Number of stars?"))   DrawSide(stars)   For i As Integer = 1 To stars - 2     DrawRow(stars)   Next   DrawSide(stars) End Sub Sub DrawSide(ByVal stars As Integer)   'Draw a solid side of stars for top and bottom.   Dim row As String = ""   For i As Integer = 1 To stars     row &= "*"   Next   lstOutput.Items.Add(row) End Sub Sub DrawRow(ByVal stars As Integer)   'Draw a row (put spaces between the two stars).   Dim row As String = "*"   For i As Integer = 1 To stars - 2     row &= " "   Next   row &= "*"   lstOutput.Items.Add(row) End Sub


Private Sub btnDetermine_Click(...) Handles btnDetermine.Click   'Gambling casino problem   Dim testValue, amount As Double   testValue = 4   Do     testValue += 1    'Start test with $5.     amount = testValue 
[Page 679]
For i As Integer = 1 To 3 'One iteration for each casino amount = amount - 1 'Entrance fee amount = amount / 2 'Funds lost amount = amount - 1 'Exit fee Next Loop Until amount = 0 txtOutput.Text = "Beginning amount = " & FormatCurrency(testValue) End Sub


Private Sub btnCompute_Click(...) Handles btnCompute.Click   'Compute total earnings at retirement   'get 5% raise per year, retire at age 65   Dim name As String, age As Integer, salary As Double   Dim earnings As Double = 0   name = InputBox("Enter the person's name: ")   age = CInt(InputBox("Enter the person's age: "))   salary = CDbl(InputBox("Enter the person's starting salary: "))   For i As Integer = age To 64     earnings += salary     salary = (1.05) * salary   Next   txtOutput.Text = name & " will earn about " & _                   FormatCurrency(earnings, 0) End Sub

An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005, An (6th Edition)
ISBN: 0130306541
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 164 © 2008-2017.
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