Lead Author

N ED A VERILL- S NELL has been making technology make sense since 1986, when he began writing beginner's documentation for one of the world's largest software companies. After writing manuals and training materials for several major technology companies, Snell switched sides and became a computer journalist , serving as a writer and editor for two national magazines, Edge and Art & Design News .

A freelance writer since 1991, Snell has written more than two dozen computer books and hundreds of articles. Between books, Snell works as a professional actor in regional theater, commercials, and industrial films .

Sams Teach Yourself Internet and Web Basics All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Internet and Web Basics All in One
ISBN: 0672325330
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 350
Authors: Ned Snell

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