

E-commerce services, 102

E-mail servers, protecting, 123

E-mail services, 103

EAL4 certification, 243

EasyChains graphical tool, 160

eeprom command (PIX firewalls), 266

Egress filtering, 351

emacs-style commands, 267

Embedded devices, 499–500

Embedded operating systems, 242–243

enable command (PIX firewalls), 265

Encapsulation, UDP, 776


certificate authorities (CAs), 582

demands on CPUs, 409

description, 578

digital signatures, 581–582

hash functions, 581–582

in-place, 581

public-key, 579

reasons for, 578

shared secrets, 579

symmetric and asymmetric, 579–580

tunneling, 580–581

Enforcement modules, 729–732, 740

Enforcement of security policies, 537

Enterprise initialization, 861–863

Enterprise object, 894

Enterprise root certificate server, 942–944

Environment, fault-tolerant, 254

Environment variables

$FWDIR on FireWall-1, 430–431

on NSP, 622

Errors, displayed, 375

Ethereal network protocol analyzer tool, 405, 753


cable pinouts, 380

Gigabit Ethernet, 379–381

interfaces, 370

RJ45 standard cable, 379

types, 269

Evaluating security needs, 38–40

Exchange (Microsoft) servers

installing, 1128–1135

internal clients can't access, 1006

PIX problems, 321

publishing on internal network, 1155–1157

publishing on ISA Server, 1117–1122

remote procedure call (RPC), 1157–1165

SMTP Message Screener, 1150–1151

Executive support, 531

Expired licenses, 523

Explicit address translation rules, 721

External Data Representation (XDR) format, 323

External threats, 5, 50–51

Extranets, 102

The Best Damn Firewall Book Period
The Best Damn Firewall Book Period
ISBN: 1931836906
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 240 © 2008-2017.
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