The components of an entity bean that uses BMP are the same as those of an entity bean that uses CMP:
A code snippet of an example entity bean that uses these life cycle methods is given here: public interface MyBean implements javax.ejb.EntityBean { // create methods public MyBeanPK ejbCreate( String param1, String param2, int param3) throws javax.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.CreateException { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement( "<INSERT SQL STATEMENT> VALUES (?,?,?...)"); prepStmt.setString(1,param1); prepStmt.setString(2,param2); prepStmt.setInt(3,param3); prepStmt.setXXX(n,paramn); key = new MyBeanPK (param1); return key; } public MyBeanPK ejbCreateMyBusinessObject( String param1, String param2, int param3) throws javax.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.CreateException { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement( "<INSERT SQL STATEMENT> VALUES (?,?,?...)"); prepStmt.setString(1,param1); prepStmt.setString(2,param2); prepStmt.setInt(3,param3); prepStmt.setXXX(n,paramn); key = new MyBeanPK (param1); return key; } public void ejbLoad() { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement( "<SELECT SQL STATEMENT> col_name_1=?"); MyBeanPK key = (MyBeanPK)ctx.getPrimaryKey(); keyId = key.keyId; prepStmt.setXXX(1, keyId); ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while({ val1 = rs.getXXX("col_name_1"); val2 = rs.getXXX("col_name_2"); ... } } public void ejbStore() { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement( "<UPDATE SQL STATEMENT> col_name_1= ?, col_name_2 = ? ... WHERE key_id=?"); prepStmt.setXXX(1, val1); prepStmt.setXXX(2, val2); prepStmt.setXXX(3, this.keyID); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } public void ejbRemove() throws RemoveException { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement( "<DELETE SQL STATEMENT> WHERE col_name_1 = ?"); prepStmt.setXXX(1, this.keyID); prepStmt.executeUpdate(); } // business methods public void businessMethod1() throws javax.rmi.RemoteException { ... // business method functionality as required } public String businessMethod2() throws javax.rmi.RemoteException { ... // business method functionality as required } // finder methods public ItemPK ejbFindByPrimaryKey(ItemPK primaryKey) throws javax.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException { conn = getConnection(); prepStmt = conn.prepareStatement("<SELECT SQL STATEMENT> col_name_1=?"); keyID = primaryKey.itemId; prepStmt.setXXX(1, keyId); ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery(); while({ keyId = rs.getInt("db_key_id"); } return primaryKey; } public MyRemoteIF findXXX(String param1, int param2...) throws javax.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.FinderException { ...// finder functionality as required } // remove method public void remove(String paramKey) throws javax.rmi.RemoteException, javax.ejb.RemoveException { } } Next you will take a quick look at how BMP and CMP compare with each other. |