screen coordinates 308

origin 307

x axis 308

y axis 308

selection statements 156

self-commenting code

writing 19

semantic events 349

separable model architecture 389

Serializable interface 716

server 554, 557

application 554, 557

hardware 554, 557

treated as capital equipment 557

ServerSocket 567, 582

example use of 584

ServerSocket class 581

ServerSocket.accept() 584

Set 487

setter methods 226

shallow copy

defined 708

shallow vs. deep copy 708

Short 149

short 128

signature rule 735

simple aggregation

defined 245

simple programs

writing 122

simple vs. composite aggregation 246

SimpleServer application 583


of real-world problems 210

Singleton 746

Singleton pattern 581, 614, 615

Socket 567, 582, 610, 612

passing to separate thread 567

Socket class 581

Socket.close() 583

Socket.getInputStream() 584

Socket.getOutputStream() 584

socket-based client

extended example 611

socket-based client example 585

socket-based client-server 582

socket-based client-server connection scenario 582

socket-based server

extended example 607–619

software design 212

software design patterns 746

Abstract Factory 749

background 746

Command 753

definition 746

Dynamic Factory 750

Factory 749

Factory Method 749

Singleton 748

specification template 747

software development roles 5

analyst 5

architect 5

programmer 6

SortedMap 487

SortedSet 487


arrays with Arrays class 201

source files

compiling 28

saving with .java extension 29


expressing in UML 268

spigot algorithm

for generating Pi 477

SQL 640

executing via JDBC 654

insert statement 651

joining tables 652

nested select statement example 654

running script in MySQL 651

select statement 652

clauses 652

update statement 652

statement 138

empty 138


personality of 165


break 168

chained if/else 159

continue 168

control flow 156

do/while 164

personality of 164

executing consecutive if 157

for 165

relationship to while 165

if 156

if/else 156, 158

iteration 162

nesting 166

labeled break 169

labeled continue 170

mixing selection and iteration 166

selection statements 156

switch 156, 159

falling through cases 160

nested 161

using break in 159

table of 171

unlabeled break 168

unlabeled continue 170

while 162

personality of 163

static 128

static initializer 595

example code 594

static initializers 234

static method

main() 137

static polymorphism 501


project approach 6

strengthening preconditions 730

strictfp 129


array of 190


special treatment given to 190


use of 635

stubbing 12

super 129

super method

passing arguments to base class constructor via 273

use of 270

supertypes & subtypes

reasoning about 723

Swing 305, 350

separable model architecture 379, 389

Swing component

when to Paint() 384

Swing component painting

explanation of events 385

switch 129

switch statement 159

synchronized 129

synchronized code block 462

synchronized methods 466

Java For Artists(c) The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504052
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 452

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