Waiting for Your Doorbell to Ring…After you've sent your payment, you have to wait for the item to arrive. If the wait is too long, you should contact the seller and confirm that the item was actually shipped out on a particular date; if an item appears to be lost in shipment, the two of you can work together to track down the shipment with the shipping service. Just be sure to allow adequate time for your payment to clear and for the item to actually ship from the seller to you. (This might range from a few days for a credit card payment to a few weeks if you pay via personal check.) This is also the stage of the process where some unlucky buyers discover that they're dealing with deadbeat sellersfrauds who take your money but never ship your item. If you find yourself in this situation, there are options available to you; turn to Chapter 11, "Protecting Yourself from Shady Sellers," to learn more. |