Chapter 10. Dealing with Common Problems

In this chapter

  • How to Troubleshoot Computer Problems

  • What to Do When Windows Freezes

  • Dealing with a Major Crash

  • Undoing the Damage with System Restore

Computers aren't perfect. It's possible although unlikely that at some point in time, something will go wrong with your PC. It might refuse to start, it might freeze up, it might crash and go dead. Yikes!

When something goes wrong with your computer, there's no need to panic. (Even though that's what you'll probably feel like doing.) Most PC problems have easy-to-find causes and simple solutions. The key thing is to keep your wits about you, and attack the situation calmly and logically following the advice you'll find in this chapter.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Computer Basics
Absolute Beginners Guide to Computer Basics (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0789731754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 253 © 2008-2017.
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